Maximizing the Impact of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition- WCC-EAA contribution

A key priority

It is our hope and expectation that the Decade will lift up Nutrition to among the highest of priorities of governments and society. We also expect the decade to mobilise commitment and sustained engagement with governments, communities, civil society, faith-based communities, private and public sector. Our work together should end hunger and all forms of malnutrition. 

Human dignity and rights

We consider the right to food and nutrition, as the right to life itself. We also believe in collectively taking the responsibility to ensure that all people can enjoy and benefit from exercising their rights. We are convinced by the interrelatedness and indivisibility of human rights. Be it access to land, water, sanitation, education, markets, decent work and earning living wages or gender justice- malnutrition can only be overcome by protecting the rights and entitlements of all people. We are obliged to respect the dignity of each person in our society and acknowledge, value and uphold even those who are on the margins of society.

Back to the basics

We are convinced that it is only by the dynamic support of local and small-scale farmers, small-scale food producers, fisher folk, herders and local markets, can we bring about sustainable progress in the nutrition status of the community. It is only agricultural systems based on food sovereignty, biodiversity, and sustainable the use of natural resources that will promote resilience and innovation to deliver adequate diets for all.

Working together

We believe that the Decade will bring people across disciplines - (namely- health workers, farmers, fisher folk, agriculture workers, teachers, scientists, development professionals, faith leaders, women, business adolescents and the youth) to work together to hasten the eradication hunger and eliminate all forms of malnutrition. It will be critical to developing targets, milestones, and mechanisms to monitor the progress of the work, especially at the local level.

Our commitment

We will mobilise our communities and leadership to work with all partners to develop and implement the Decade of Action on Nutrition in our context. We will also work with the Decade in the context of the SDG’s, the WHO Global Nutrition Targets, and the ICN2 Framework for Action.

We will also work with civil society to encourage and support the commitment of the state to ensure that we all stay on track to achieve this- in a collaborative manner, protecting the people's health, their livelihood their culture; the lands, water bodies and the environment; and the genetic diversity of our resources.

Dr. Manoj Kurian