Training and capacity development is an essential ingredient in the engagement of youth in Agribusiness. However, More attention is needed on mindset change, re-orientation, and provision of neccesary resources ( start-up Capital or starter pack).

The propensity of fund diversion is high if raw cash is given to young people to start their business. It is better to provide starter pack in the of machineries, equipment and running cost.

There most be adequate follow up in terms of technical backstopping, coaching and mentoring by sucessful business owner, if possible those in there age bracket.  Youth to youth(Y2Y)  approach seems effective is  delivering youth work.

I will like to share my experience as a youth developement worker and also as a project manager.

There is a project am current managing tag "Engaging Youth in Agribsiness: Machanization". The overall objective is to training 100 youth in the space of years on the business of owning and maintaing fleet of smart tractor. 

After successful completion of the first year training we facilitate their  formation into cooperative.

After successful completion of the training, the price of the tractor increase due to forex couple unfriendly loan condition (e.g. High interest rate, equity contribution etc.).The trainees could not withstand the entire situation and hence resulted to some drop out and group protest.

Presently, I have been working extra hard to identify investors the will purchase the tractor while the trainees manage the business.