What enabling environment is needed to ensure sustainability of youth in agriculture capacity development initiatives?

There are four ecosystems that will enable the sustainability of youth in agriculture. These are the financial environment, market, Infrastructure and institutional environment. As already mentioned agriculture enterprises require more patient financing than any other enterprises due to the nature of activities involved. Government need to set aside special financial schemes to promote youth in agriculture to raise the needed capital for investment. 

Market is key for survival in agricultural space. The deliberate creation of market for young people products through a policy to procure produce from youth in agriculture for government interventions such as school feeding will sustain their enterprises. When offtakers for produce of young people are assured, their involvemnt in the agricultural value chain will be sustained. 

Insfrastructure in term of roads, ICT, and others must be provided to support the youth in agriculture. These facilities are needed to enhance operations along the value chain. For youth to be engaged in decent employment in Afrca there must be decent infrastructure provided in term of good roads, ICT facilities, social amenities, Schools etc. 

Finally Institutions established to ensure business and agriculture must be more youth friendly. Business registration systems and processes must be aligned to meet the needs of the youth. Standard and certification authorities must educate and orient youth to produce products of standard for both local and international markets. 

When all these four ecosystems are put in place for youth in agriculture, sustainability of capacity bulibing initiatives will be assured.