@ Fidelis Eyoh Ukume

Thank you very much for your contribution. Yes, we are going to include best practices promoted by countries to reduce FLW, so any contributions provided by this e-consultation in this sense is more than welcome.  Redistribution of safe and nutritious food among countries is an option, but economic and environmental sustainability should be also taken into account when implementing such an action. The most preferable option would be to redistribute food without involving long and extensive transportation (that also requires energy consuming cold chains to keep the food safe and air mileages).

@ Selina Juul

Dear Selina, we will definitely keep your comment into consideration. Prevention is in general the best preferred option and we agree that it should happen before reduction.

The topic of FLW is in general a very complex issue which touches upon production and distribution mechanisms, but also has implications on food safety, food quality, food preservation, etc…

We agree with you that the root causes of FLW should be identified and addressed and that food donation and redistribution poses a number of questions regarding the structure of the food system in general.