Д-р. Wei Yin

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Generally speaking, it shows that the guide, once finalised, may contribute to sustainable investment in agricultural land and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of this guide is of value. But for a more practical and useful guide, there might be something that needs to be improved. The first thing that I intend to raise is similar to one of the recent contributions below, i.e. the definition of 'sustainable investment', 'responsible and sustainable investment' and similar expressions. It would be helpful, if the guide can provide definition of these terms for the purpose of realising the aim of this guide. In academic papers, policy papers and/or some international soft law instruments or statements, these terms do not have a shared or unified definition, but usually there are some key elements that were usually mentioned to defining these terms. Since this guide focuses on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts, it is important to define these terms in this field, providing specific elements or factors. Secondly, as a guide for different stakeholders or to be adopted by different parties, the structure and content of the guide need be clear and easy to read and follow. Although the table of content follows a clear order but in each Chapter, the content is not in a proper order or the content or main point of each paragraph is not that clear or reader-friendly. Thirdly, I want to raise a small technical question in relation to ‘local communities’. For the contract between investors and local communities, even though the word of ‘local community’ is known to many people or entities, but in some countries, the meaning or definition of ‘local community’ is not clear or even in some countries, the so called ‘local community’ cannot sign land contract with other investors.