
Invitation to an open discussion on the political outcome document of the ICN2

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with IFAD, IFPRI, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, WTO, WFP and the High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis (HLTF), are jointly organizing the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), a high-level conference at FAO Headquarters, Rome, from 19 to 21 November 2014. More information is available at: www.fao.org/ICN2.

A Preparatory Technical Meeting was held in Rome on 13-15 November 2013 to feed into the ICN2, drawing upon a series of regional conferences and technical background documents as well as from the outcome of three online thematic discussions (Social protection to protect and promote nutrition, Nutrition-enhancing agriculture and food systems and The contribution of the private sector and civil society to improve nutrition).

Two documents are expected to come out of the ICN2 - a political outcome document and a framework of action for its implementation.

The zero draft of the political outcome document, prepared by the FAO and WHO Secretariats, will be further developed by a Joint Working Group (JWG) of regional representatives of FAO and WHO Members for adoption by the ICN2 in November.

We now invite you to provide your comments on the zero draft of the political outcome document available in the six UN languages through this public online consultation.  In providing your inputs, please focus on the set of questions formulated below. A template for providing comments can also be accessed here.

This open consultation will give an opportunity for a broad range of stakeholders to contribute to the Conference and its impact.

The comments received will be compiled by the Joint ICN2 Secretariat to inform the work of the JWG.

We thank you in advance for your interest, support and efforts, and for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us.

We have a tight deadline, so we encourage you to send us your comments on the document as soon as possible.

We look forward to your contributions.

FAO/WHO Joint Secretariat



  1. Do you have any general comments on the draft political declaration and its vision (paragraphs 1-3 of the zero draft)?
  2. Do you have any comments on the background and analysis provided in the political declaration (paragraphs 4-20 of the zero draft)?
  3. Do you have any comments on the commitments proposed in the political declaration? In this connection, do you have any suggestions to contribute to a more technical elaboration to guide action and implementation on these commitments (paragraphs 21-23 of the zero draft)?



Commitment I: aligning our food systems (systems for food production, storage and distribution)to people’s health needs;

Commitment II: making our food systems equitable, enabling all to access nutritious foods;

Commitment III: making our food systems provide safe and nutritious food in a sustainable and resilient way;

Commitment IV: ensuring that nutritious food is accessible, affordable and acceptable through the coherent implementation of public policies throughout food value chains;

Commitment V: establishing governments’ leadership for shaping food systems;

Commitment VI: encouraging contributions from all actors in society;

Commitment VII: implementing a framework through which our progress with achieving the targets and implementing these commitments can be monitored, and through which we will be held accountable.


Commit to launch a Decade of Action on Nutrition guided by a Framework for Action and to report biennially on its implementation to FAO, WHO and ECOSOC.


Commit to integrate the objectives and directions of the Ten Year Framework for Action into the post-2015 global development efforts.


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Osama Awad Salih

King Saud University
United Arab Emirates

<< English version below >>

تعليق عام

لا يزال الفرق شاسعا في التطبيق ين القطاعات المختلفة خاصة ما بين الصحة والزراعة

يجب وجود آلية الجبار الدول المستطيعة علي الصرف علي انتاج الغذاء في الدول ذات الامكانات الطبيعية وليس لديها المقدرة المالية

كما يجب ايضا الزام الدول التي بها امكانيات علي تخصيص مساحة مقدرة للتعاون الدولي لإنتاج الغذاء هذه الالية يجب ان تكون متعددة القطاعات ولا تترك لأهل الزراعة فقط

الهيئات الدولية الكبري يجب ان تغيير استراتيجياتها من التنظير الي العمل الفعلي اذ ليس من المعقول ان يكون دورها فقط ان تنتظر مرور عدة اعوام ثم لتأتينا بمثل هذه التقرير السوداوي دون حيلة و لذا لابد من وجود آلية الزامية و اقرب مثال لذلك برامج التحصين ضد امراض الطفولة حيث لا استثناء لأي دولة  اجبار دولي

و ان يتحدد الدعم الدولي للدول كبيرة كانت او صغيرة بمدي التزام خططها القطرية بما جاء من توصيات من الهيئات الدولية وان يكون لهذه الهيئات دور اكثر تأثيرا في وضع الخطط القطرية

علي هذه الهيئات الدولية توسيع مشاركة الدول و الهيئات و الافراد و الاطلاع علي البيانات و التقارير الدورية والتي منها يتم اصدار مثل هذه التقارير (مثل هذا الفورم)

و لابد من ايجاد الية حقيقيه لتفعيل مشاركة قطاع كبير من الافراد لا يجدون وسيلة لايصال رأيهم سواء كان هولاء الافراد في الحكومات او القطاع اخاص او اجامعات والمعاهد البحثية


General Comment

There is still a wide gap and a big difference among the different sectors and specially between health and agriculture.

There should be a mechanism in place to force the countries that can spend money on food production  in countries with natural potentials not countries with financial capacity.

Countries having resources and capabilities should be forced to allocate  a certain estimated space  in international cooperation for  food production . This mechanism should be multi-sectoral and should not be left to the Agriculture specialists only.

Prominent international organizations have to change their strategies  from developing theories into actual work as it is not reasonable that their role be limited to wait helpless for several years  and then come up with such a    melancholic report. Therefore there should be a mandatory mechanism, the closest example to this mechanism is the Child Disease Vaccination Program.. where there is no exception for any country… an international mandate or obligation.

Internal support to countries be it a big or small country should be determined according to their compliance to the national plans as per the recommendation of the international organizations, and such organizations should play a more effective role in developing the national plan.

These international organizations have to expand the participation of countries, organizations and individuals and has to review all the data and periodic reports that issues such similar reports (like this forum).

Then we should find a real mechanism to activate the participation of a large sector of individuals who cannot find a way to express their opinion whether those individuals are from the government or the private sector or universities or research institutions.   

Проф. George Kent

Department of Political Science, University of Hawai'i
Соединенные Штаты Америки

The zero draft does not give sufficient attention to growing threats to the food security and nutrition of childen in emerging economies. I have essayed on this in The Food Security of Infants and Young Children. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~kent/FOODSECURITYOFINFANTS.docx A copy is attached here.

Aloha, George Kent


I think the draft document ought to adapt a really holistic approach to resolving the problem. It is well understood that the possibility of adequate food production is closely linked to the well-being of our environment. Hence,  the committment to ensure an adequate supply of food to all can be successfully undertaken only if we ensure that neither the food production nor other economic activities result in environmental damage. This logical fact ought to be the point of departure of the document.

Secondly, ceteris paribus, how one satisfies one's nutritional needs depends on the culture of one's choice. Here, I use the term 'culture' in its widest sense as described by Bronislaw Malinowsky.

Now, food culture of a community evolves with reference to its geography, climatic conditions, communal beliefs, etc. Very often, the food culture of a community embodies wisdom of the ages in terms of nutritional adequacy, appropriateness of its food with respect to health of the consumers, climatic conditions, environmental sustainability, etc.

As we claim that people have a 'right to their chosen culture', and cultural norms may well embody the appropriateness of certain types of foods and their production both for man and to the place where they are produced, it would be reasonable  to include measures to preserve culinary diversity of the world. Moreover, this guarantees a healthy diversity of food crops and animals.

Finally, it is of paramount importance that FAO should pioneer food equity by actively working to remove activities such as commodity speculation, price fixing, monopolies such as those engaged in buying food for a whole country or a large region thereby dictating terms to food producers and consumers.

Santosh Mishra

Population Education Resource Centre (PERC)

1. Do you have any general comments on the draft political declaration and its vision (paragraphs 1-3 of the zero draft)?        

The prevalence of malnutrition is high among mentally disabled children. In order to raise their quality of life, mentally disabled children must be provided with sufficient nutritional support.


2. Do you have any comments on the background and analysis provided in the political declaration (paragraphs 4-20 of the zero draft)?        

Micronutrient malnutrition is refers to vitamin and mineral nutritional deficiency diseases. Diets which lack adequate amounts of essential vitamins and minerals lead to such diseases. Vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia and iodine deficiency disorders are among the most common forms of micronutrient malnutrition. Other micronutrients found in food, including vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folate, vitamins C and D, and minerals such as calcium, selenium and zinc can also significantly affect health when dietary deficiencies exist. Although the major malnutrition problems are found in developing countries, people in developed countries also suffer from various forms of micronutrient malnutrition. This manual focuses on deficiencies of vitamin A, iron and iodine, the three micronutrient deficiencies of greatest public health concern worldwide. Micronutrient malnutrition usually occurs when diets lack variety. The vitamins and minerals needed to prevent micronutrient malnutrition are present in a variety of foods.

Policies and programmes need to be developed and implemented to ensure better year-round access to and consumption of an adequate variety and quantity of good-quality, safe, micronutrient-rich foods. Four main strategies can be used to overcome micronutrient deficiencies:

  • dietary diversification,
  • food fortification,
  • supplementation with vitamin and minerals, and
  • global public health and disease control measures.


3. Do you have any comments on the commitments proposed in the political declaration? In this connection, do you have any suggestions to contribute to a more technical elaboration to guide action and implementation on these commitments (paragraphs 21-23 of the zero draft)?

Please provide your comments in the appropriate fields relating to these commitments:   

Commitment I: aligning our food systems (systems for food production, storage and distribution) to people’s health needs.

To promote health, industry would need to make and market healthier foods so as to shift consumption away from highly processed, unhealthy foods.

Commitment II: making our food systems equitable, enabling all to access nutritious foods.            

Technical assistance and leadership support is needed in following matters:

  • developing metrics and evaluation tools to measure the impact of changes,
  • translating scientific research findings into practical policy recommendations,
  • evaluating food system interventions to provide evidence for policy and program decisions, and
  • convening stakeholders to advocate for reform on leading food system issues.

Commitment III: making our food systems provide safe and nutritious food in a sustainable and resilient way;        

The availability of safe, nutritious, affordable and healthy food has taken on a new and pressing dimension in the face of an ever growing global population and increasing environmental and sustainability concerns. There is need for:

  1. developing better ways of assuring microbiological and chemical food safety, and
  2. identifying alternative sources of protein or developing innovative new processes to economise on energy, water and packaging.


Commitment IV: ensuring that nutritious food is accessible, affordable and acceptable through the coherent implementation of public policies throughout food value chains.              

Lack of access to proper nutrition is one reason why many people, including children, are not eating the recommended levels of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Food insecurity and hunger among children is even more widespread. Community and faith-based organizations can help ensure that all families have access to healthy, affordable food in their communities. Community and faith-based organizations can play an important role in providing access to affordable and healthy food options.

Commitment V: establishing governments’ leadership for shaping food systems.       

Government actors have an important role to play in creating healthy public policies and supportive environments to facilitate access to safe, affordable, nutritious food. From a community food security perspective, efforts to strengthen the regional food system can help to improve physical access to healthy, locally-grown food by increasing retail opportunities and distribution sites close to places where residents live and work. Similarly, supportive planning considerations can:

  • reduce the barriers to local food production, processing and distribution (on and off the farm),
  • help to foster a food system that: supports and optimizes community self-reliance; provides opportunities for all food system stakeholders to be engaged (including small-scale producers); and
  • reduce the environmental impact of long distance food transport.


In this way, government action to address community food security through regional food system policy making can contribute to a number of social, economic and environmental goals.

Commitment VI: encouraging contributions from all actors in society; Poverty is a major cause of food insecurity and sustainable progress in poverty eradication is critical to improve access to food. Conflict, terrorism, corruption and environmental degradation also contribute significantly to food insecurity. Increased food production, including staple food, must be undertaken. This should happen within the framework of sustainable management of natural resources, elimination of unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized countries, and early stabilization of the world population. There is need for strategic intervention for ensuring fundamental contribution to food security by women, particularly in rural areas of developing countries, and the need to ensure equality between men and women. Revitalization of rural areas must also be a priority to enhance social stability and help redress the excessive rate of rural-urban migration confronting many countries.     


Commitment VII: implementing a framework through which our progress with achieving the targets and implementing these commitments can be monitored, and through which we will be held accountable.    

Following interventions are needed:

  1. Sustaining growth in food production by smallholder farmers through significant increases in the level and effectiveness of longer term development assistance for smallholder-based food production and food security systems;
  2. Improving international food markets by boosting trade finance and intensifying negotiations for the achievement of tangible outcomes and by working on utility, feasibility and viability of coordinated food stocks and an appropriate regional food reserve system; and
  3. Developing a common reference framework for biofuels and producing analysis on their impact on food security, poverty and the environment while deploying technologies critical for agriculture, food security, poverty eradication, ecological sustainability, and climate resilience within the context of sustainable development frameworks at national regional and international level.

22. Commit to launch a Decade of Action on Nutrition guided by a Framework for Action and to report biennially on its implementation to FAO, WHO and ECOSOC.     

The supply of safe, affordable and nutritious food should be an important public health goal. It should aim: 

  • to guarantee the safety of food and the food supply;
  • to set standards for safe food production and supply, and enforce and monitor them;
  • to inform and educate the community about food, nutrition and healthy food practices;
  • to operate a response system to contain, treat those affected by, and prevent the further spread of, outbreaks of foodborne disease; and
  • to reduce preventable nutrient-related deficiency diseases and conditions.

23. Commit to integrate the objectives and directions of the Ten Year Framework for Action into the post-2015 global development efforts. Following interventions are needed:

  • Intersectoral collaboration and interorganizational partnerships at all levels,
  • Community participation and engagement in planning and decision-making,
  • Creating healthy settings, particularly focusing on the settings of schools, workplaces and cities and communities/municipalities,
  • Political commitment, funding and infrastructure for social policies, and
  • Awareness of the socio-environmental context is essential.


Also, there is need to:

  • Recognize the effectiveness of traditional support systems in reducing workloads, providing economic assistance increasing knowledge and offering emotional support;
  • Design and implement national programmes for breast-feeding protection and promotion, e g baby-friendly hospital approaches and training programmes;
  • Form child care centres, work groups, cooperatives or informal networks for sharing tasks;
  • Develop appropriate technologies and improved infrastructure to reduce the demands on women's time and efforts;
  • Ensure that women have access to the resources and the education they need to care for themselves and their families;
  • Strengthen women's rights to property and income, and provide social security for women wherever possible;
  • Provide Job and skills training for the disabled to prevent dependency;
  • Promote family and community organizations that help people to cope with their disabilities; and
  • Enlist international agencies to help refugees and displaced persons meet their basic needs and become self-reliant.


Personal information

Name:  Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra (Ph. D.)

Organization: Population Education Resource Centre (PERC), Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra, India. (http://sndt.ac.in/)  

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Email: [email protected]


Dear all,

Please see my comments below: 

1. Do you have any general comments on the draft political declaration and its vision (paragraphs 1-3 of the zero draft)?    

I suppose following might be highlighted: ‘While children in some cases are injured as result obesity, other suffers from undernourishment, similarly large amount of waste products in some societies and malnutrition in other are observed as . Such asymmetric facts are challenge for development continuum.’ Or it can be reworded and/or integrated in other statements.

As the document are aimed for wider audience, figures shown as facts can also be states like: ‘every # child in world is undernourished’, ‘every # child death/disease are caused by undernutrition’, etc.

The paragraph 3 can be enriched by mentioning: ‘… negative implication of climate change and greedy use of natural resources, growth of population will increase the burden on agriculture and this in turn will increase the volatility of prices and deficit of food products will severely threat of malnutrition to vulnerable and poor’. The agriculture with its current potential will not be able to feed the world population in future. Some figures would be appropriate.


2. Do you have any comments on the background and analysis provided in the political declaration (paragraphs 4-20 of the zero draft)?            

The paragraph 7 can be enriched by adding: ‘Renew commitments … to increase rights to access to free and full health care to children and nursing mothers, especially to those who suffer from diseases, malnutrition, etc.’

I couldn’t find considerations on GMOs, probably because of existence of different views and approaches related to GMO. But GMO market is expanded rapidly, and still many societies have not clear attitudes, arrangement and regulation concerning GMOs. The capacity, knowledge, information and surveillance mechanisms should be improved especially in developing countries. This issue should be addressed in the document and follow-up actions.



3. Do you have any comments on the commitments proposed in the political declaration? In this connection, do you have any suggestions to contribute to a more technical elaboration to guide action and implementation on these commitments (paragraphs 21-23 of the zero draft)?

Please provide your comments in the appropriate fields relating to these commitments:    

Commitment VII: implementing a framework through which our progress with achieving the targets and implementing these commitments can be monitored, and through which we will be held accountable.             


I would like to see here the combination of such words: ‘Strengthening international collaboration’, ‘joint actions’, and ‘agreed accountability’