Г-жа Dorothy Onoja Titilayo

Организация: De Doronos-Jay Limited
Страна: Нигерия
Область (области) знаний:
I am working on:

Commitments to action
Building Food Resilience and Sustainable Agricultural Skills in the Grassroot Level
De De Doronos-Jay Limited, UN Food Systems Summit, AGRA, IFAD, FAO, WFP, etc.
This initiative aims at grassroots women and youth’s (girls) development for economic growth. The project will ensure that about 10 communities in each geopolitical zones of any country we are opportune to be working with are trained in skills that will help them to understand how to farm and prepare safe food for consumption and for commercial purposes at a low cost. The target in each community will be about 300 women in a community. For instance, Nigeria has 6 geopolitical zones and in each of the geopolitical zones, we will train 10 communities. This will amount to 60 communities being trained in Nigeria with the target of 300 women and youths in a community giving a total of 18000 women directly trained and over 18000 women and men will benefit indirectly. This invariably means that over 18000 jobs were created directly and indirectly. This will lead to about a 56% increase in food production, safe and nutritious food production by grassroots women and youths. We will also teach smallholder farmers how to avoid food waste. This is because over 12% of Nigerians are undernourished while Nigeria loses and wastes 40% of its total food production annually which accounts for about 31% of its total land use and producing 5% of the country’s GHG emissions. As a result, We will collaborate with experts in the aspects of our storage and transport facilities which are the major components of food waste in Nigeria to ensure ways to mitigate this problem. Again, we will educate rural women on how to train birds using kitchen spices and herbs which will produce birds that are insusceptible to diseases without the use of antibiotics and hormones that are harmful to the human body and causes brain damage. We will monitor and evaluate their businesses to ensure their resilience which will enable them to build strong growth and development that will enable them to become bankable entrepreneurs to have access to finance. We will expand in our own business to promote our vision of becoming industrialised and create employment opportunities and more impacts. We are Projecting to keep 250000 broilers, 250000 layers, turkeys, geese of 8000 producing 9000 eggs per day. We are looking forward to keeping a system where fresh vegetables can be delivered to the poor fresh from the farm. We also want to involve in hydroponic farming and keep a greenhouse.


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