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      Para el fomento de la mujer agricultura un método podría ser en princio, el fomento de la huerta agricola ligada a la mujer, destinada a el autoconsumo y la venta o trueque de excedentes, mientras el resto de la finca es ligada a cultivos no alimentarios o de mayor rentabilidad, este paso como punto de partida es necesario para la identificación de capacidades técnicas y de liderazgos, para la implementación futura de intervenciones comunitarias; como la creación de cooperativas de producción y procesamiento de alimentos, ya que la asociatividad sin la vinculación de liderazgos y capacidades técnicas locales tienden al fracaso, además es necesario el acompañamiento integral, coordinado e ininterrumpido de las entidades cooperantes.

      Para el caso del joven agricultor, el fomento de la formación a niveles técnicos y profesiones,  y su vinculación a procesos cooperativos y emprededores en su comunidad. 

      To promote women in agriculture, a method could be -in principle-, promoting home gardens linked to women, intended for self-consumption and the sale or barter of surpluses, while the rest of the farm is devoted to non-food crops, or more profitable.

      This step is needed as a starting point to identify the technical and leadership skills for the future implementation of community interventions. Among them figures the establishment of food production and processing cooperatives, as associationship without local leadership and technical skills tend to fail. Besides, comprehensive, coordinated and uninterrupted support of the cooperating entities is necessary.

      For the young farmer, we need to promote training at technical and professional levels, linked to cooperative and entrepreneurial processes in his/her community.


    • Greetings

      In countries like Colombia,  politics and investment are directed to crops and sugar cane for biofuel, palm oil, coffee, cocoa and banana products that bleed the economy as they are exported as raw materials and do not represent large revenue the country, or skilled jobs, plus they do not represent any contribution to the nutrition of the consumer population. Given that investment and policy is directed towards non-food or low nutritional importance, it is very difficult to successfully implement horticultural solutions such as organic farming, consumption on farms, urban agriculture and family.