Д-р. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich

Организация: Predio Experimental de la Agroforestería Andina MOLLESNEJTA
Страна: Боливия (Многонациональное Государство)
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Administración y ensenhanza sobre el buen uso del suelo y la producción en armonía con la naturaleza en el Predio Experimental de la Agroforestería Andina MOLLESNEJTA

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    • Д-р. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich

      Predio Experimental de la Agroforestería Andina MOLLESNEJTA
      Боливия (Многонациональное Государство)

      Thank you very much for the opportunity to share with you my following experience done in Mollesnejta - Centre of Andean Agroforestry situated in the semi-arid valley of Cochabamba / Bolivia:

      The loss of soil fertility at the global scale is alarming, as are the impacts of climate change. Conventional agriculture practices are reducing the organic matter content of soil as well as the soil´s capacity to regenerate nutrients to a minimum. In order to ensure food security in the future, sustainable agriculture techniques have to be promoted. These techniques should not only be productive, but also build soil fertility in the long term. At Mollesnejta- Centro de Agroforestería Andina, we apply dynamic agroforestry measures in combination with two agroecological techniques, with the goal of improving soil quality: (a) Activated Biochar and (b) Ramial Chipped Wood (RCW). Pruning material sourced from pruning in agroforestry systems was used as a soil amendment through both techniques. The presentation will describe the benefits of Activated Biochar and RCW and discusses their preparation and application to the soil, where both act as long-term carbon sink. Also, are provided the results of the experiences obtained at Mollesnejta- Centro de Agroforestería Andina after using these techniques. Both techniques proved to be effective at improving soil fertility and the capacity of rainwater storage. In combination with their impact as carbon sink it would be reasonable to intensify the practice of dynamic agroforestry.

      Best regards,

      Noemi Stadler-Kaulich

    • Д-р. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich

      Predio Experimental de la Agroforestería Andina MOLLESNEJTA
      Боливия (Многонациональное Государство)

      English translation below

      Aplicando la agroforestería para la producción de alimentos se asegura la populación de los polinizadores (tanto las abejas como todos los otros insectos que polinizan). Esto es el resultado obtenido en el Predio Experimental de la Agroforestería Andina MOLLESNEJTA, ubicado en el Valle de Cochabamba/Bolivia.

      Mientras que en la región de Aiquile los productores de Chirimoya deben polinizar las flores de sus árboles de Chirimoya (Annona cherimola) a mano, en el predio MOLLESNEJTA se produce esta fruta por polinización de insectos silvestres (no es la abeja Apis mellifera).

      En la publicación:


      son descritos varios ejemplos de producción en sistemas agroforestales en la región semiárida del Depto Cochabamba en Bolivia. El predio MOLLESNEJTA siempre esta recibiendo a todos los interesados en el ámbito agroforestal. Adjunto le mando una hoja de información.


      Dra. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich

      Using agroforestry for food production protects pollinators (both bees and all other pollinating insects). This has been the case in the Experimental Farm of the MOLLESNEJTA Andean Agroforestry located in the Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia.

      While in the Aiquile region the cherimoya producers must pollinate the flowers of their Cherimoya trees (Annona cherimoya) by hand, in the MOLLESNEJTA farm this fruit is produced through the pollination of wild insects (not the Apis mellifera bee).

      In the following publication:


      several examples of agroforestry production in the semiarid region of the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia are described. The MOLLESNEJTA farm always welcomes everyone who is interested in the agro-forestry sector. Kindly find attached an information sheet.

      Yours sincerely,

      Dr. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich


      Noemi Stadler-Kaulich


      Producir en armonia con la Madre Tierra

      Landwirtschaft in Einklang mit der Natur
