Г-н Pradeep Mahapatra

Организация: UDYAMA
Страна: Индия
Область (области) знаний:
I am working on:


Am a Development Catalyst close to three-decades with an emotional relationship with communities, institutions & working with various constituents having strong exposure in implementation & adaptive research of agro-ecology development & community-resilience-process.


As community is First , Our   enhanced learning outreach with local, regional, international organizations micro-macro linkages is well built. Under my leadership UDYAMA is deeply advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing for local action & global networking. Practicing risk informed resilient development, local carbon sequestration, community adaptation with special advancement of protection of local forest & biodiversity, local action on   food, water, sanitation & nutrition improvement, environmental education is well demonstrated.  Undertaking employable market led life skills building in cluster growth & expansion in western, southern & coastal Odisha and neighboring states in India is well connected. And now  From UDYAMA Am one of the  the Partner Organizations to  Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Powered by FAO & UNEP, it is called as The One Planet Network under the framework of Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP) to undertake sustainable  education, procurement, Eco- tourism & settlement & connected to undertake circular economy.https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/sustainable-food-systems/actors  . https://www.greenclimate.fund/about/partners/observers


As Resilience & Adaptation is foremost, As Scretary & co-Founder of UDYAMA, (www.udyama.org ) am embarking on citizen-actions on mainstreaming resilience building, green growth  with the framework of  UNISDRR, UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNEP in order to maximizing benefit of readiness, preparedness, better restoration of  livelihoods  infrastructure rehabilitation at community & country.  Influencing policy to add value on cross cutting programs like ecosystem services & nature based solutions, wise water use, bringing small innovations in livelihoods infrastructure, skill building, undertaking peace and harmony   at community is our prime target to optimize resource use as Water Connector.  

As Networking & Garnering collective effort is best to leverage resource,  I have has kept on    working a sustained effort to   minimize loss, damages, allied risks & vulnerability in leveraging resources with WASH, settlements & END-WATER-POVERTY campaign, Sensitize2Sanitize, environmental education, deepening governance on water, energy and preventing degradation in conserving local biodiversity   & capitalizing mainstream resources impact to livelihoods of small holdings connecting climate-justice are well demonstrated.  We always advocate a  broad based livelihoods in cultivating solutions  through partnership for people & planet that has added value for money for Eco-prenures connecting social, ecological, human capital as matter to   Next-Development-Challenges.

Am Personally &  professionally associated with many local, national international institutes

Network   member Ecosystem Services Partnership   & Global soil Partnership,

Climate Change Technology Network(CTCN) an extended technical wing of  UNFCCC,

Life-member of Indian Association of Soil and Water-Conservation, Dehradun, India.

Life-Member of Orissa Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar.

Life member  India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership ,& Global Environment Facility

Life Member of Indian Red Cross society,  

Network member to Revitalizing Rain-fed Agriculture (RRA) & SRI India,

Network Member of Stakeholder Forum, AGWA, Water Climate Coalition,

CLEAN, member  of Earth Day Network  Network , member to End Water Poverty Campaign, WSSCCC , SusanA , S2S, Gender and Water Alliance, water allies, Member Global soil Partnership.

Network member asia-sdgs-platform,Network-member of eradication of Hunger & Poverty, Network member APRCEM, Network member of, UNGLOBAL COMPACT, GACSA-FAO, UNISDR,UNESCAP,

National focal Point  & member Regional Steering Committee for Asia at GNDR ,CHS, C4C,SPHERE, member with  Urban Poverty Migration , ACCCRN, CANSA, ,weAdapt ,WOCAT-, ICLEI ,SAMHITA, Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves.  GEICO, Roster Expert UNHABITAT, Observer  UNFCCC , Roster-Expert CDKN , Observer-UNCCD ,

Our community action , influencing policy for  localizing process UDYAMA  has been awarded ,rewarded  as  one of the Best NGOs awardees  on Rural Reconstruction & Environment in 2006 , International Awardees on Environment- 2014 from Kyobo foundation Seoul  & Best NGOs on Water Harvesting from UNESCO-2016 and  many. For other details please log on links below:  

Chronology of Awards & Accolades, Networking

2006- Best NGO Award for Rural Reconstruction & Environment

2008- Participation Award for the year of International Year of sanitation

2009- best Social organization

2010- best organisation in social service

2010- Utkal Gourav award - Sishu samaj

2010-Accredited to End water Poverty Campaign

2012- Accreditation from UNCONGO

2012-Partner To Global Water Partnership

2012- the  e-ngo award from DEF - 

2014- International Award for Environment -

2014- member organisation Citynets

2014-Accredited to NIOS National Institute for Open Schooling , Ministry of HRD, GoI,

2015 Accredited to Low carbon Development Strategies

2015 Accredited to Sustainable Water and Sanitation for all,

2016 Accredited to Global Environment Facility

2016-UNESCO-water Digest Award for Best NGO on Water Harvesting

2016 Partner In sanitation &  Water  for  All

2017- Partner with Sensitize to Sanitize  (S2S)

2017- Accredited to UNEP & UNEA

2017- National focal point of GNDR  from South Asia

2017-Multistakeholder Advisor Committee to Sustainable food Systems Powered y FAO/UNEP under SCP-10YFP, Now  UDYAMA is one of the Partners

2018- Accredited to Global Soil Partnership

2018- Roster Expert CANADEM

2018 Roster Expert NAP

2018- GEICO on Green Energy

2019- Best NGO Award for Environment by BWW

2019- Best NGO support to communities in Cyclone FANI

2020- Accredited to Green Limate Fund

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QdYGPNy7ng&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvxAjj4s3Fo,

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_m7LBF5iG1E, https://youtu.be/izUweRS7GpM,http://youtu.be/DYFDxDkl3eM



http://www.fao.org/fsnforum/users/udyamapradeep ,










Personal Statement:

Mr. Pradeep Mahapatra a Development Catalyst represents UDYAMA as Secretary & Co-Founder close to three-decades  in working front line  communities and various  constituents. He is having strong exposure in implementation & adaptive research of social, economical, human, environmental capital building especially resilient development.   He advocates ecosystem services with reference to Agro-ecology development &  sustainability of communities for a integrated action with added skill building and re-skilling up-skilling & adaptation process for most at-risk communities



https://www.google.co.in/search?ei=FI03W5P5FcnqvATaz4rwAw&q=climate+change+%2C+udyama%2C&oq=climate+change+%2C+udyama%2C&gs_l=psy-ab.12...11941.20680.0.22807. ,

His enhanced learning outreach on micro-macro linkages towards resilience building has well built as a people is first. He is deeply advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing local action & global networking to influencing policy for resilient development, local carbon sequestration as part of community adaptation with special to the advancement of protection of local food forest, nutrition boosting & local biodiversity conservation ,climate justice connecting DRR along with a cross-sector integration putting together with food, water, culture, nature, sanitation & nutrition, life, livelihoods & lifestyle improvement, embedding Education-WASH, circular-economy as Human Development matter.


He is inspired by actions, demonstrated evidence-based initiatives on sustainable livelihoods, fair climate initiative,  rejuvenating resource base for benefit maximization that has helped to have a global connectivity to Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Powered by FAO & UNEP, under the aegis of Sustainable Consumption & Production  in the framework of The One Planet Network. 

https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/sustainable-food-systems/actors. He has served three year as Multi-stakeholders Advisory Committee Member in SFS.   He represents UDYAMA is one of the accredited Organizations to UN ECOSOC, GEF, UNFCCC, GSP,UNEP, UNISDR, GWP& accredited Observers to Green Climate Fund  & Global Soil Partnership .  https://www.greenclimate.fund/about/partners/observers  & CIF & Adaptation fund & CTCN CANSA. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7081324384681922560/

He is embarking on local citizen actions for green growth under the framework of UNISDRR, UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNEP to maximize the benefit of readiness, preparedness in bringing solutions & innovations in livelihoods infrastructure for local peace and harmony as People & Planet matter.  He is one of the members for Views from  Frontline (VFL) study in India  to carve out resilience strategies). http://nbsapforum.net/members/pradeep-mahapatra- .

He envisages to enhance adaptation ability and building capacities of local communities to minimize climate induced & allied disaster risks  in order to deepen governance on water, energy , ecology in  continuing  with END-WATER-POVERTY , campaign, Sensitize2Sanitize, Green & Clean drive in Commonwealth Games in order to capitalizing mainstream resources impact to livelihoods of small holdings , women collectives in connecting climate-justice. Mr. Mohapatra always advocates local action, localization process for a broad-based livelihoods matter to Next-Development-Challenges   to achieving SDGs.  He is also  National Focal point of & Regional Advisory Group Member for South Asia for GNDR a largest network of Humanitarian network  for DRR in World . He is one of the members to WWQA(World Water Quality Alliances under the aegis of UNEP .  Network Ecosystem Services Partnership & Global-Soil-Partnership, Global-Water-Partnership ,CTCN & G E F , Life Member of Indian Red Cross society, RRA & SRI-India, Network-Member of Stakeholder Forum, AGWA, Water-Climate-Coalition, CLEAN, Earth-Day-Network , member to End Water Poverty Campaign, SWA,WSSCCC , SusanA , S2S, GW Alliance, water-allies, Network-member Asia-Pacific-Forum For SDGs ,Network-member of eradication of Hunger & Poverty, APRCEM, UNGLOBAL-COMPACT, GACS Agricluture, DG group, FAO, UNISDR,UNESCAP, ,CHS, C4C,SPHERE, Citynet, ACCCRN, CANSA, ,weAdapt ,WOCAT-, ICLEI ,SAMHITA, Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves. GEICO, Roster-Expert UNHABITAT, Observer UNFCCC, Roster-Expert CDKN , Observer-UNCCD,  https://www.udyama.org : https://youtu.be/gJiTu6jn0zw

Chronology of Awards & Accolades,:  https://www.google.com/search?q=udyama+awards+%26+accolades&tbm=isch&chips=q:udyama+awards+%26+accolades,online_chips:ngo&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjymsDby6vrAhWCYCsKHVnUBd0Q4lYoBHoECAEQGQ&biw=1349&bih=657%20, , https://twitter.com/UDYAMA  , http://www.linkedin.com/in/udyamapradeepmohapatra, ,http://youtu.be/DYFDxDkl3eM , https://www.kbedu.or.kr/bbs.html?html=bbs_p/bbs_p1_1.html&s=1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QdYGPNy7ng&feature=youtu.behttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvxAjj4s3Fo