Г-н saad uakkas

Организация: The international federation of medical students' associations IFMSA
Страна: Марокко
Область (области) знаний:
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Linking medical students worldwide with other students and youth and doing joint actions for better health and wellbeing of the populations.

Representing IFMSA on AMR related issues worldwide

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    • Г-н saad uakkas

      The international federation of medical students' associations IFMSA


      1.      What is the biggest communication challenge related to AMR and inappropriate antimicrobial usage (AMU) in Africa?

      The terminology and languages used in the communication are mainly very complicated for the public. Moreover, no alternatives are provided. Also more accessible tools and ways of communications should be used to especially reach vulnerable populations and those without internet access


      2.      What is the best approach to communicate about other antimicrobials (antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, pesticides), and not only antibiotics? As viruses, fungi and parasites can also be resistant to medicines commonly used to treat them, and impacting health and food systems, how do we communicate about these issues in addition to antibiotic resistant bacteria?

      Running researches on these topics can be a great beginning to explore the potential working areas and the magnitude of the problem. Antibiotics resistance is more popular because of the high usage of antibiotics in general but in the African region the other antimicrobials have a big share as well especially the antimalarial drugs.

      Addressing the impact of the antimicrobial resistance will be an excellent approach to shed the light on the issue.


      3.      How can we get the topic of AMR included more often in the media? How do we ensure the visibility of AMR amongst other “hot topics”?

      Media does not highlight an issue unless people are interested or wondering about it. Talking about AMR more often whenever it’s possible and celebrate the WAAW to emphasize on the consequences and the impact of AMR would bring it to the front.


      4.      What communication channels, methods or mechanisms are more suitable and will have the greatest impact at field level in African countries?

      The easiest and most accessible social media platforms are usually the best channels. It’s hard to have one specific channel as that highly depends on the country, in some countries it’s Facebook and in others it’s Instagram.

      Concerning the methods and mechanisms they should directly speak to the grassroot, thus leave an impact and contribute to correcting misconception. Having publications such as posters, infographics and videos in the local languages and simple words can secure that.


      5.      Which group of stakeholders do you think should be considered as priority for targeted key messages aiming at raising awareness on excessive AMU and AMR?

      Health students such as medical, dental, pharmaceutical and veterinary students play a crucial role in drug prescription and because of their ability to convey all the knowledge to the grassroots.


      6.      At national, regional and continental levels, who to do think should take leadership and responsibility for awareness and advocacy activities on AMU and AMR

      Health students have more time, motivation and energy to conduct awareness activities and they are the future healthcare providers. However, lack of logistical support can hinder their efforts, therefore it’s absolutely important to have support from governments and responsible parties.