Продовольственная безопасность

Launch of the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition report

Accra/Abidjan/Rome - The number of undernourished people in sub-Saharan Africa has increased mainly due to the impact of conflict and climate change with the situation pointing to the urgent need to build affected communities' resilience and to find peaceful solutions that strengthen food security,  FAO said today.

The prevalence of chronic undernourishment appears to have risen from 20.8 to 22.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, according to FAO's Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition report (2017).

This year's report, which features the theme: "The Food Security and Nutrition - Conflict Nexus: Building Resilience for Food Security, Nutrition and Peace" was launched today at the joint FAO/WHO Africa Regional Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition, taking place in Abidjan from 16 to 17 November 2017.  

Asia and the Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition

 The Asia Pacific Symposium (10-11 November 2017, Bangkok) links to the FAO and WHO International Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition held in Rome in December 2016, and is one of four follow-up events focused on specific world regions. The aims are to enhance agriculture and food systems’ visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships through taking stock of evidence on transformational change in food systems toward sustainability, and their link to positive health and nutrition outcomes.  The Symposium will also develop and strengthen information platforms on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems for countries in the region so that they can share that knowledge amongst consumers, producers and other stakeholders. Major interventions for good nutrition governance and effective local level implementation will be identified and promoted. 

The Asia-Pacific region, home to most of the world’s undernourished people, needs urgent action to improve diets and reset its food systems which are critical to the delivery of healthy, nutritious foods, FAO said today. According to the findings of FAO’s 2017 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition report, there is a pressing need to tackle malnutrition alongside further promotion of the consumption of healthier foods while curbing the growth in consumption of unhealthy foods.

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Infographic: Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

Worldwide, 795 million people go hungry every day. This figure could be reduced, benefiting millions of people, through the wider adoption and implementation of sustainable forest management as a key component of integrated landscape management, resulting in better protected ecosystem services, more...

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The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition - Advancing knowledge. Supporting policy-making. Impacting lives.

This new publication presents the work of the FSN Forum, offering an overview of how Forum activities and its vast network of participants around the world help FAO to tackle the root causes of poverty and hunger and support countries, organizations and communities in their efforts to improve lives. 

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FAO/GIEWS quarterly report Crop Propects and Food Situation

FAO/GIEWS has released the latest issue of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation quarterly report that focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries. The report also includes an overview of global cereal production prospects and a table highlighting countries that require external assistance for food, identifying the primary causes of the local food crises.


Counties requiring external assistance for food: FAO estimates that 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food in the world. Persisting conflicts have continued to acutely affect agricultural production and food security conditions. Weather shocks, including floods, hurricanes and droughts, have compounded the fragile conditions in some of the conflict-affected countries and also resulted in production shortfalls, adversely impacting food availability and access in other countries.

Africa: Northern Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan continue to be affected by severe food insecurity, while drought in parts of East Africa has curbed agricultural outputs and sustained high food prices. Wetter conditions in Southern Africa resulted in production recoveries, leading to significantly reduced food insecure numbers, while severe localized floods in West Africa have affected larger numbers of people.

Asia: Despite severe localized floods and droughts in some countries, production in the Far East is forecast to increase in 2017. Conflicts continue to intensely impact agriculture and food security in Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen. Elsewhere in the Near East, generally good weather boosted production.

Latin America and the Caribbean: In the Caribbean, the impact of hurricanes is expected to depress agricultural production for second season crops in the affected areas and adversely impact food security conditions. In South America, record cereal outputs are forecast in Argentina and Brazil in 2017.

Please download the full report here: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7830e.pdf.


Сельская миграция, сельское хозяйство и развитие сельских районов

В 2018 году в издании «Положения дел в области продовольствия и сельского хозяйства» (SOFA), одной из ведущих ежегодных публикаций ФАО, основное внимание будет уделено миграции и проблемам, которые она ставит на пути обеспечения продовольственной безопасности, а также мира и стабильности. Мы хотели бы предложить вам поделиться вашими материалами и соображениями в отношении аннотированного описания отчета, и тем самым присоединиться к подготовке этой важной публикации.

Call for Papers for International Conference on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security

FAO invites those working in policy or research on agricultural trade and climate change to submit papers to be presented at the 2017 International Conference on Climate Change Agricultural Trade and Food Security.

The Conference will bring together policy makers, academics and practitioners to exchange ideas, research findings and experiences on the linkages between agricultural trade and climate change.

The outcomes of these consultations will contribute to FAO’s flagship report, The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO), which will examine the potentials of agricultural trade and trade policies to enhance food security and sustainable agricultural production in the context of a world confronting climate change impacts.

For more information on the call, please see: http://www.fao.org/3/a-bt390e.pdf.

More information on the conference is available here:


To register: http://www.fao.org/trade/registration-form/en/?related=1026667&list=1

Registration to the Conference closes on Friday, 20 October 2017.

Конференция по продовольственной безопасности в Евразийском регионе

Ежегодная конференция по продовольственной безопасности в Евразийском регионе состоится в г. Душанбе Республики Таджикистан 03 - 05 октября 2017 года. Конференция организована Евразийским центром по продовольственной безопасности при поддержке Всемирного банка, Международного исследовательского института продовольственной политики (IFPRI) и Международного центра по сельскохозяйственным исследованиям в засушливых регионах (ICARDA). Основная тема конференции этого года – «Катализируя преобразования в сельском хозяйстве для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и благосостояния в Евразии». Конференция послужит площадкой для обсуждения приоритетных направлений аналитических исследований с целью улучшения продовольственной безопасности и питания в Евразийском регионе.

К участию приглашаются специалисты в области сельского хозяйства и питания, эксперты в сфере продовольственной политики, представители научных и общественных организаций и др. Данное мероприятие – это прекрасная возможность укрепить сотрудничество по повышению благосостояния в Евразийском регионе на местном, региональном и глобальном уровнях.

Сессии конференции посвящены следующим вопросам:

  • Приоритетные направления исследований для разработки мер политики с целью повышения продовольственной безопасности и улучшения питания в Евразии;
  • Инновационные меры, как со стороны государства, так и частного сектора, которые способствуют повышению продовольственной безопасности и улучшению питания на уровне домохозяйств и групп населения;
  • Управление почвенными и другими природными ресурсами для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности;
  • Тематические исследования (кейсы) по продовольственной безопасности в Евразии и др.

Узнать больше о мероприятии и зарегистрироваться Вы можете на сайте конференции: http://ecfs2017.org/?page_id=439&lang=ru.

Регистрация на мероприятие открыта до 17 сентября 2017 года.

FAO/GIEWS Special Alert on the drought in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

FAO/GIEWS has released a special alert on drought affecting crops in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


• Prolonged dry weather conditions from April to late June in the main central and southern cereal-producing provinces raise serious concerns about the final production of the ongoing 2017 main cropping season.

• If rains do not improve soon, the 2017 cereal output may decrease significantly, further deteriorating the local food insecurity.

• Immediate interventions are needed to support the affected farmers and prevent negative coping strategies for the most vulnerable households.

The report can be accessed through the following link: 
