Развитие потенциала

Вебинары и семинары

FSN Forum strategy planning workshop: Linking practice and innovation to policy through online consultations

A two-day, face-to-face workshop, involving key FSN Forum members and FAO colleagues active in knowledge sharing was held in Rome (Italy) on 12-13 December 2013. The purpose was to allow for a constructive exchange of ideas aimed at gathering inputs for the continuous development of the Forum in general and for the upcoming medium term strategy in particular.

«Что в имени твоем» – международный вебинар, посвященный различным подходам, направленным на улучшение питания людей

Этот двухчасовой вебинар направлен на борьбу с непониманием того, что мы называем своей работой, которое существует на глобальном уровне. Он будет включать две короткие презентации, посвященные различным подходам, направленным на улучшение питания людей: изменение моделей поведения, социальный маркетинг, обучение рациональному питанию и пропаганда здорового образа жизни. Каждая презентация определит один подход, опишет его основные процессы, обозначит его отличия от других подходов, а также перечислит его основные элементы и принципы. Аудитория сначала ответит на мини-опрос, озвучит свои комментарии и вопросы, а также будет участвовать в дискуссии и голосовании в ходе вебинара. Кроме того, участники решат, хотят ли они продолжить дискуссию, чтобы расширить понимание концепций, обсудить их значение и перейти к более комплексной модели. Вебинар ставит своей целью не предоставление инструкции мировому сообществу, касательно принципов и процессов обучения рациональному питанию, а согласование в общих чертах значения терминов, обозначение различий между подходами, определение общих процессов и значения и, следовательно, укрепление сообщества профессионалов, путем создания общих концепций и подготовки почвы для дальнейшего обсуждения воздействия и значения.

Учебный онлайн-курс, посвященный интегрированной классификации фаз продовольственной безопасности (ИКФ) – версия 2.0

Новый бесплатный курс предлагает комплексный и легкодоступный источник, содержащий руководство по применению четырех функций ИКФ и связанных с ними инструментов и процедур, которые четко направлены на борьбу с острым отсутствием продовольственной безопасности.

Курс состоит из 11 уроков, примерная продолжительность которых составляет от 15 до 150 минут, и основывается на техническом руководстве по ИКФ (версия 2.0), впервые опубликованном в 2012 году. Эта программа самостоятельного обучения, в которой используются различные методы обучения для понимания каждой темы: повествование, наглядные практические примеры, интерактивные тесты для самопроверки и практические упражнения. В курс также включены: глоссарий, информационно-справочные материалы и онлайн-источники по теме.

Курс был разработан в рамках программы сертификации ИКФ, которая включает в себя три уровня сертификации. Данный курс не является обязательным для сертификации, но он поможет пройти Тест по ИКФ 1-го уровня, который является одним из основных требований для получения сертификата аналитика ИФК 1-го уровня. Прямая ссылка на Тест по ИКФ 1-го уровня имеется в курсе.

Перейти к курсу вы можете по ссылке: http://www.fao.org/elearning/#/elc/en/course/IPC2

В настоящее время курс представлен на английском языке. Версии на испанском и французском языках находятся в стадии разработки.

Глобальное партнерство по ИКФ выражает благодарность ФАО, в частности, группе по развитию потенциала отдела по вопросам партнерских связей, информационно-пропагандистской деятельности и развития потенциала. Являясь глобальным партнером ИФК, ФАО разработала полный курс и представила его в в бесплатном доступе в своем центре онлайн-обучения, как часть программы «Улучшение глобального управления в интересах сокращения масштабов голода», которая финансируется Европейским Союзом (ЕС) и осуществляется ФАО.

Wageningen UR Food and Nutrition Security Trainings

The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of 2 international courses:

  1. Making agriculture work for food and nutrition security, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 07 – 18 November 2016.

  2. Linking emergency aid to food and nutrition security, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 28 November – 09 December 2016.


Despite the world-wide increase of food availability, there are still around one billion people undernourished. This is far above of the target of MDG 1. There is now substantial evidence that malnutrition has life-long negative impacts on productivity and income-generating potential of the population.

If you are interested in learning about food and nutrition security, please consult our  for more information about the application procedure and costs.

Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is 22 March, 2016.

For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal: http://www.wageningenportals.nl/nutritionsecurity

New e-learning course on gender equality in land governance

A new e-learning course from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provides specific guidance for ensuring that the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) are implemented in a gender-equitable way.

Registrations are open: Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts

Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Location: Council on Foreign Relations

Washington, DC 

This conference is addressed to high-level experts in the field of humanitarian action, as well as of energy, food security and nutrition. The “Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization” (SET4food) is a project co-funded by COOPI-Cooperazione Internazionale, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Politecnico and the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO).

The specific objective of the project is to enhance the response capacity of humanitarian actors in identifying and implementing efficient and sustainable energy technologies for food utilization. The project takes into account the combination of food utilization and energy availability in formal and informal settlements for refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). Practical tools to improve food utilization have been developed, and in particular: i) a decision support system (DSS) to facilitate the identification of the most appropriate energy technologies for a certain context; ii) guidelines of energy technologies for food utilization. Then pilot projects in Somalia, Central African Republic, Lebanon and Haiti have been implemented, in order to test the DSS, as well as innovative solutions. Finally, a set of in-presence trainings and public events have been raising the attention and improving the response capacity of humanitarian actors.

An open access e-learning course has been developed. All the material is accessible on the project website: www.set4food.org.

Promoting women’s participation and leadership in producers’ organizations

Open online discussion hosted by FAO's TECA platform.

The objectives of this discussion are:

  • To share experiences of POs dealing with women's inclusion, participation and leadership issues
  • To share successful experiences of women's participation and leadership in POs and cooperatives
  • To understand better issues faced by women producers in POs and cooperatives
  • To identify ways of strengthening women's participation and leadership within POs 

This discussion will start on Monday 23th June and last until 27th July, 2013. 

See more here: http://teca.fao.org/discussion/promoting-women%E2%80%99s-participation-and-leadership-producers%E2%80%99-organizations

International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security

The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of the

‘International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19 –30 January 2015’.

A fresh approach in addressing the problem of food and nutrition insecurity is the human rights-based framework. The right to food has been formally recognized since the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

This definition of the Right to Food has been further developed by FAO and is as follows: When every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, has physical access and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.

As a participant in this course you will gain insights about concepts and principles within the human rights-based approach, Right to Food, Food and Nutrition security and their interrelationships. The course will address different concepts used in the right to food approach. Participants will be provided tools on how to set-up lobbying and advocacy campaigns and how to develop an intervention using a rights-based approach to address food and nutrition insecurity.

If you are interested in learning about rights-based approaches please consult our website of the Centre for Development Innovation for more information about the application procedure and costs.

Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is May 6, 2014.

For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal

International nutrition courses with fellowships opportunities - Wageningen UR

The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of 3 international courses:

1. Linking emergency aid to food and nutrition security, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 3 - November 14, 2014.

2. Agriculture Nutrition Linkages, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 24 – December 5 2014.

3. Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19 –30 January 2015.

Despite the world-wide increase of food availability, there are still around one billion people undernourished. This is far above of the target of MDG 1. There is now substantial evidence that malnutrition has life-long negative impacts on productivity and income-generating potential of the population.

Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is May 6, 2014.

For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal: www.wageningenportals.nl/nutritionsecurity


CFS side event - Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition

The Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) is organizing a side event on “Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition” in the context of the CFS 40 on Thursday October 10th, 2013 between 12:30 and 14:00.
Venue: FAO Red Room
The event will discuss:
  • The evidence showing how women’s and girls’ empowerment delivers on these outcomes 
  • The costs of failing to invest in women's roles in high-nutrient-value food chains and of ignoring women's triple work burden (household, reproductive and market)
  • The enabling environment - policies, rights, laws and incentives to empower women in food systems to deliver food security and nutrition
Prof. MS Swaminathan, Chair of the HLPE of the CFS, and also a GAP Patron will chair the side event and HE Mary Mubi, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Co-Chair of the Women’s Network of Ambassadors to FAO will make remarks.

Panelists include:

Lynn Brown, Senior Economist, World Bank/GenRD and SecureNutrition

Susan Carlson, Women’s Committee Facilitator, World Farmers’ Organization (WFO)

Susan Kaaria, Senior Gender Officer (Policy), Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division, FAO

Stanlake Samkange, Director, Policy, Programme and Innovation Division, WFP