Д-р. Uranio Mazzanti

Организация: CRF Sc (Private Research Organisation)
Страна: Италия
I am working on:

Education in food and lifestiles aspects and connection to sustainability of food and environment (Food from forests)

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    • Hello everybody,

      I hope to have posted my contribution in the right area of discussion (Food or forests?)!

      Anyway : I think that forests are a great opportunity to both protect soils and environment and also supply food.

      The coupled mature technologies of "wood to energy" (heat and electricity) by gasification and steam explosion should be investigated to offer the feasible opportunity of producing cellulose based forage for ruminants.

      This could possibly represent an economic interest for  implement forestation instead of cutting trees for more soil room to traditional agriculture.

      An integrated (energy, soil&climate protection & forage production)   exploitment of forest can be a model of innovative sustainable "meat production" (cellulose is not suitable as fodder for monogastric livestocks).

      I'm looking for people interested in sharing opinions and technical/economic considerations on this possible (?) forests  protection giving to their cultivation/responsible use a stronger "economic interest".

      As the "species" that survive are those the man is (positively) interested in.

      The poor economic interest in forest sustainable exploitment destroys them more than fire!

      I am interested in possible comments. Even not positive ones of course..

      Thank you in advance.
