Г-н Benson Turyasingura

Страна: Уганда
I am working on:

I am currently working on "Cultivating selected arable and permanent crops under sustainable multiple cropping system for food and nutrition securities in Uganda."

Benson Turyasingura is an academic at Kabale University of Uganda and holds a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (B. Env. Sc.) and a Master of Climate-Smart Agriculture (MSc. CSA) from Haramaya University, Ethiopia, under the scholarship the World Bank. He currently holds models in the areas of African Environmental History, Plant Identification and Ecology, GIS Application in Tourism and Animal Identification and Ecology modules at Kabale University. He has scientific expertise in climate change research topics related to GIS and tourism, water resource management, plant water stress, bibliometric analysis, morphometrics and climate uncertainty modeling in Uganda. His contributions can be found in publications such as Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer, the East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, the East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Frontiers in Environmental Science and Agronomy MDPI. He is also a reviewer for many Taylor and Francis journals, such as Cogent Food & Agriculture and NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences. He is looking for a Ph.D. funding on “Modeling the Effects of Forest Degradation on Forest Carbon Stock using Machine learning modal in Uganda.”

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