Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Rural development

Africa - World Radio day

Rural radio and community media: empowering rural youth for resilient livelihoods and improved food security and nutrition

This year’s World Radio Day (13 February) celebrates “Radio and Youth” and we are happy to invite you to explore the role radio and community media have in the lives of rural people in West Africa. How is rural radio contributing to empower youth and to improve resilience and food security and nutrition of rural communities in West Africa? Join our new online discussion from 2 February!

The State of Food and Agriculture 2014

More than 500 million family farms manage the majority of the world's agricultural land and produce most of the world's food. We need family farms to ensure global food security, to care for and protect the natural environment and to end poverty, undernourishment and malnutrition. Goals can be thoroughly achieved if public policies support family farms to become more productive and sustainable; in other words policies must support family farms to innovate within a system that recognizes their diversity and the complexity of the challenges faced.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2014: Innovation in family farming analyses family farms and the role of innovation in ensuring global food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. It argues that family farms must be supported to innovate in ways that promote sustainable intensification of production and improvements in rural livelihoods.

ESP - Social farming

Social farming (also called care farming): an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, decent rural employment and social inclusion. What works in developing countries?

Social farming (also called care farming) is an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, rural employment and the social inclusion of vulnerable people. The aim of the discussion is to gather examples of the use of care farming in developing countries. 


Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments

Investing responsibly in agriculture is essential for reducing poverty, creating decent employment opportunities, enhancing food security and nutrition, and ensuring environmental sustainability. However, to achieve this, investments need to be responsible and specifically directed towards the achievement of benefits, while aiming at avoiding negative consequences. To address these needs, the CFS has launched a consultative process to develop principles for responsible agricultural investments (CFS-RAI). We welcome your feedback on the proposed set of principles.

ECOWAS survey

Youth and Agriculture in West Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has the world’s fastest growing population and also the youngest. This is a huge opportunity for West Africa as young people bring energy, vivacity, and innovation into the work force and can consequently have a transformative impact on economic growth and social development. The agricultural sector plays a key role in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and represents up to 35% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product.  It is currently the employer of most of West Africans with 60% of the active population engaged in this sector.

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participants: 167