The State of Food and Agriculture 2014

More than 500 million family farms manage the majority of the world's agricultural land and produce most of the world's food. We need family farms to ensure global food security, to care for and protect the natural environment and to end poverty, undernourishment and malnutrition. Goals can be thoroughly achieved if public policies support family farms to become more productive and sustainable; in other words policies must support family farms to innovate within a system that recognizes their diversity and the complexity of the challenges faced.
The State of Food and Agriculture 2014: Innovation in family farming analyses family farms and the role of innovation in ensuring global food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. It argues that family farms must be supported to innovate in ways that promote sustainable intensification of production and improvements in rural livelihoods.

The Future of Family Farming: Providing Resources for Women and Young Farmers
Through this discussion we wish to promote dialogue around family farming issues. What can be done to make agriculture stimulating and profitable for young people and what strategies can promote equality for females working in the food system?
National Seminar on Rural Youth in Family Farming: Need and Challenges
National Seminar on “Rural Youth in Family Farming” at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour on December 18-19, 2014.
The seminar is an attempt to bring together the stakeholders like researchers, academic institutions, industries, government agencies, farmers, NGOs etc. together on a single platform. In order to address the need and challenges posed in the successful implementation of family farming in a holistic manner putting an added emphasis on current trends and aspirations of the youth in relation to family farming, the seminar aims to provide a forum to raise the awareness of the needs and potential of the youth in family farming along with the constraints that they face, and ensure that they have access to technical support along with the creation of synergies for sustainability. The strengthening the legitimacy of farmers organization, youth clubs and their capacity to effectively represent and defend the interests of family farming and sharing lessons learned and successful pro-family farming policies, and capitalizing relevant knowledge on family farming from various corners of the country are key features of the seminar.
Call for articles: Nutrition values and family farming
The ILEIA quarterly Farming Matters has issued a call for papers on: Nutritional values and family farming.
The last issue of Farming Matters for 2014 will focus on how family farming and agroecology support the nutrition of family members and the wider community.
The deadline is September 1st, 2014
Call for Articles - Agri Enterprise involving Smallholders
Small farmers risk exclusion from biofuels certification schemes
FAO report warns that certification schemes could become indirect trade barriers if not properly managed.

HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report: Investing in smallholder agriculture for food and nutrition security
The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) seeks input on the V0 draft of its report on smallholder investment in agriculture. This study focuses on the policy options for addressing constraints to investments, taking into consideration the work done on this topic by IFAD, and by FAO in the context of COAG, and the work of other key partners. It includes a comparative assessment of strategies for linking smallholders to food value chains as well as an assessment of the impacts on smallholders of different forms of partnership models.
Call for articles on Smallholder Enterprise Development
GFAR (The Global Forum on Agricultural Research) has established a collaboration with New Agriculturist a widely read and well recognized online journal, to help share your stories about how agricultural knowledge and innovation are helping to address major development challenges and make a real difference in the lives of the poor.
The topic for the next edition is Smallholder Enterprise Development and GFAR is seeking stories and projects from around the world on the theme, whether at local, national, regional or international scale. Contributed articles must be received by the 5th August 2012.
Interagency report to the Mexican G20 Presidency
Sustainable agricultural productivity growth and bridging the gap for small-family farms.
Early in 2012, Mexico, as G20 President, invited international organizations to examine practical actions that could be undertaken to sustainably improve agricultural productivity growth, in particular on small family farms.
The preparation of this report, coordinated by FAO and the OECD, is a collaborative undertaking by Bioversity, CGIAR Consortium, FAO, IFAD, IFPRI, IICA, OECD, UNCTAD, UN High Level Task Force on the Food Security Crisis, WFP, World Bank and WTO.

Constraints to Smallholder Investments - A consultation by the HLPE to set the track of its study
A large percentage of word poverty is rural, largely directly or indirectly associated with smallholder farming. Smallholder farmers produce most of the food consumed locally, and food security at a world scale thus importantly depends on the investments made by external actors and by the smallholders themselves in their agricultural production. What are the constraints that limit these investments and what can be done to encourage investments in smallholder agriculture.