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We all agree, advancing gender equality and women's and girls' empowerment is critical for ending hunger and ensuring food security and nutrition for all towards achieving 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It makes it imperative that the individuals and institutions responsible for education, research and training in agricultural & food sector are sufficiently sensitized on importance of gender equality. We need to have programmes to accredit education, research and training institutions for gender equality eco-systems prevailing in these institutions so that they can spread the message what it means to be gender sensitive in matters of education and capacity building. We are currently implementing one such programme GATI (Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions). The GATI model draws inspiration from the Athena SWAN Gender Equality Charter and accreditation framework operated by Advance HE, UK. A growing number of universities, science departments and research institutes in UK have voluntarily joined the charter and been recognized for their accomplishments. Recognizing the framework’s evidence-based approach to analysis, action and demonstrable impact, several countries have been inspired to join the Athena SWAN collaborative international network and launch similar initiatives. With the launch of GATI, India too joins the list. GATI aspires to create an enabling environment for equal participation of women in science, technology, engineering, medicine and mathematics disciplines (STEMM) at all levels, addressing deep-rooted problems. It envisages a fresh perspective on not just measures for increasing retention and recruitment but the progression of women throughout their professional journey.

I believe, the programmes like GATI have potential to make strong impact on food security & nutrition, so must find encouragement from the policy makers and the governments in developing countries in particular.

My blog on GATI: https://agrilinks.org/post/marching-towards-gender-equality-research-an…

My institutional link: http://www.ivri.nic.in/OtherPages/gati.aspx
