全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

1. The zero draft appropriately captures the main challenges of gender equality, reading from part 3 of the zero draft from sections 32-37 provides for gender equality and women's participation, voice and leadership in policy-and decision-making at all level. However, we are supposed to look critically at the 6 thematic areas of the gender equality. Gender-based violence, economic justice and rights, bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights, feminist action for climate justice, technology and innovation for gender equality, and feminist movements and leadership. They are all interwoven. For instance, a woman smallholder farmer who is not adequately provided with security could face violence within the home and at farm. Some of our events that covers grassroots inclusion, financing and recommendation can be viewn in the upload. I and III or two things could be picked to enhance the preparation for gender equality.

2. Part two of the zero draft satisfactorily reflects the core principles which should underpin the guidelines.

3. The Nine sections of the part 3 of the zero draft, comprehensively covers the policy areas to be addressed to achieve gender equality and full realization of women and girls' rights but not  adequately cover women and girls' rights to nutrition. This is because, there are so many diseases which had sprang up as a result of inadequate/lack of nutrition on women and girls. There is a programme which I started in my community and will want to take it to other communities and accross the globe if our company is financed. The programme among others skill acquisition and capacity building will teach grassroot women and girls, urban women and youths how to prepare safe food for consumption and for commercial purposes. This will improve both their economic development and health wellbeing. This project when implemented will directly benefit 18000 women and girls directly and 18000 indirectly in Nigeria. It will be extended to other countries globally. Such Previous training among others uploaded in upload II.

4. Part 4 of the zero draft provide all the elements necessary for effective implementation and monitoring of the use and application of the guidelines.