全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Your organization's initiative was a very interesting one. Today, science professors are expected to be the drivers of society. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. To strengthen the connection between professors, practitioners, and policymakers, I offer the following perspectives.

1. After Covid 19, it is becoming more evident that poverty and prosperity are driven by professors, practitioners, and policymakers.

2. When professors and practitioners in a society have a relationship based on worth, that is, to promote entrepreneurship, equity, empowerment, and the environment, society's worth rises to the next level.

3. When politics pollutes professors and practitioners in society by indoctrinating birth-based identities based on communities and places of birth, the policies benefit a few while marginalizing many in society.

4. Therefore, the professors have to be mobilized, mentored, and monitored to promote the worth-based relationship between the policymakers and the practitioners.

5. If such an initiative is taken to streamline the research systems, the planet earth will be a worthy place to live.