全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

    The report is so important,  timely and captures relevant critical issues. However, I wish this report more focus on:

1.Techncial issues like how urban agriculture should be promoted even in the case of very scarce land. I observed that the population growth  particularly in East Africa jumps over many times from agriculture production supply which is double hampered with distorted/abnormal market systems; basically the market institutions are so weak.

2. Utilization of food or preventing food looses is another issue which can be promoted through awareness creation campaign/cooking demonstration. In most of African countries including Ethiopia poor utilization of food is common due to low knowledge on food management which should be provided at community level

3. food storage and practices are also the major gap which reduces the shelf life of the food. In this regard, this report should consider how innovative policy should be designed to motivate technologists/entrepreneurs to engage in production of affordable equipment for extending food shelf life

4. In most cases,  in developing countries particularly in Africa, there is little incentives to attract youth skilled in agriculture education to involve in direct producers of food. I think this can save the youth to be unemployed unnecessarily. Investing knowledge in food systems in Africa remains unthinkable, it needs a vibrant and   entrepreneurial leadership. There is a usual saying the current years are led by knowledge economy but my observation in East Africa, there is very narrow policy incentives that motivates youth population with low financial capacity to exercise their entrepreneurial qualities.

5. Cultural taboos should also be assessed on how they impact the food systems in urban and peri-urban