全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Few observations that can impact FS

1.Urbanization is resulting in reduction in land available for cultivation.

2. Continuous enhancement in population to asking more land for development

3. Vertical expansion in urban development can decrease encroachment of land intended for agriculture.

4. Extraordinary enhancement land prices making farmers abandon agriculture which is less profitable in nature for so many factors that influence production namely 1. Water scarcity 2. Climate changes 3. Fluctuating prices 4. Lack of sustainable financial resources. These issues needs special attention for betterment of FS

5.Use of AI in accurate weather forecasting and dissemination of outcome to agri-farmers, aquaculturists and animal husbandry wherever farming takes place, irrespective of large and small scale levels. 

One of the major barriers is absence of Financial Literacy among marginal farmers, especially women across all sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry and aquaculture.

The absence of Financial Literacy felt in different ways.

1.  Management of glut production 

2.  Obtaining and repayment of loans

3. Managing variable sources of income

Three important factors that influence / that are needed for sustainable FS included

1.Employment of AI system

2. Financial literacy

3. Development  and introduction of weather doctoring technologies

Successful Scientific case study

Iron-Enriched Fish Powder Improved Haemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls of West Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya, India (2002). Asha Kurukkan Kunnath, Suseela Mathew, Mukteswar Prasad Mothadaka, Ravishankar Chandragiri Nagaraja Rao. Biological trace element research 2022 v.200 no.5 pp. 2017-2024.


1. One of the extremely serious health implications, especially in adolescent girls and expectant mothers is low levels of haemoglobins. Despite so many attempts the problem is not solved completely.

2. During fishing operations (marine) significant quantities of unwanted and very low priced fish gets into fishing nets. These fish catches left outside fishing harbours are sources of pollution and when in degradation spread diseases too. At times these catches are used as poultry feed purposes. One of the best methods of utilization is making these catches into powered form that could be preserved for longer periods of time when prepared in hygienic conditions by scientific methods. These powered fish can be used in various value added products that included soup to meet protein requirements of people living in hinterland regions, who are undernourished and are economically underprivileged to afford expensive food items.

The study

This study was carried out to assess the efficacy of sodium iron EDTA (NaFeEDTA) salt-enriched fish powder in addressing iron deficiency in adolescent anaemic girls. This was a 60-day randomised double-blinded, controlled intervention trial involving 123 girls age ranging from 10 to 19 years in three villages of West Jaintia Hills District of State of Meghalaya in India using soup made out of sodium iron EDTA (NaFeEDTA)-enriched fish powder (250 mg/100 g). The influence of the iron-enriched powder on blood haemoglobin levels and serum iron was determined. The research also analysed the food consumed by the study subjects during the study period and it was found that there were no significant differences between the iron-enriched and control groups. The results indicated that the girls predominantly consumed cereals with little fruits, vegetables and meat. On an average, 100 ml of soup prepared out of 10 g of fish powder per day was consumed that theoretically provided about 25 mg of iron each day. Following intervention, all the participants in the group that consumed soup made out of NaFeEDTA-enriched fish powder had significantly higher haemoglobin levels and serum iron and a lower prevalence of anaemia than the control group. The effects of NaFeEDTA salt-enriched fish powder were statistically significant and it can be inferred that NaFeEDTA-enriched fish powder was highly effective in controlling iron deficiency and reducing the prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia among the adolescent girls