全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I would like to say that I find appropiate the proposal in general.

The point is that its should include the success cases and experiences all around the world to achieve this challenges.

Of course we do not have the whole of the solutions, but yes part of it.

We cannot conitnue discussing without the adaptation and implementation of real proved tools to improve and advance, meantime we promote research and development of more and betters techs and experiences.

We need the voice of farmers, real farmers, from different regions, scales, activities...

As a farmer and Agronomist from Argentina, a country with more than 90% of No Tlll System adoption, and Honorary President of the NGO (AAPRESID) who develops this vision, I work worldwide attending the needs of knowledge not only for this technologhy, but also for organizational and partnership innovation to achieve this goals.

Always grateful to being part of the FSN Forum and available to share experiences, documents, papers, etc