全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear participants,

Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to respond to our request in providing feedback on the GEF8 Food Systems Integrated Program’s draft Theory of Change and draft results framework. 

We have been reading your inputs with great interest, and are encouraged to see how well your observations align with and enrich the narrative that we are developing for the Program Framework Document (PFD), which will accompany the theory of change and results framework. 

We have already started to incorporate your suggestions in the main text of the PFD, while some of the more detailed points will be reflected in the Project Document for the Global Coordination Project of the IP, which will be developed in near future. 

We look forward to further inputs and suggestions from experts who have not done so yet.

Sameer Karki, facilitator of this online consultation and a Technical Officer of the FAO-GEF Coordination Unit