全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I. Talk of urban food systems, and rooftop vegetable and fruit gardens for regular supply of fresh fruits and vegetables is an immediate thought. With growth of gated communities and urban apartment complexes in cities, this can be a viable proposition, where producers themselves are consumers and creating employment for gardeners. There should also be a mechanism of waste recycling by production of vermicompost to enhance soil fertility and even biogas production if feasible. Likewise, common area in urban slums can be managed by self help groups of women to grow and sell vegetables. 

II. Reducing food loss and waste should be a major initiative in all urban areas, as part of food systems transformation:  

i. City corporations need to have initiatives for collection of waste from wet markets and its processing. The private sector can be encouraged to partner in this.  Energy generation from food waste can be explored. 

ii. Initiatives for collection of unused food from restaurants and eateries and its redistribution to the needy will help reduce food loss.  

III. Fruit trees should be planted in parks and open spaces, with an eye on nutrition. An example is the number of jackfruit (national fruit of Bangladesh) trees along the streets and in parks in Dhaka

IV. Cities such as Kolkata and Dhaka with abundant freshwater bodies can promote freshwater aquaculture; fish processing enterprises can be promoted.

V. The Covid-19 pandemic clearly brought home the relevance of shorter, local value chains. An urban-peri urban connect of producers and consumers may be created for sourcing of vegetables, fruits, milk, and the like.

VI. The poor, destitute, and aged, should be covered by Social Protection schemes, for food security. Urban Employment Guarantee initiative for creation of public works can provide employment and create purchasing power.

VII. Access to safe drinking water, Rainwater harvesting and recycling of waste water have to be part of the urban food system transformation agenda.