全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Based on my experience with CSO and FAO partnership i worked in Andhra Pradesh Farmer managed groundwater Systems project. 

some important aspects for success are :

  • local participation enabled by local leadership in the form of Groundwater management committees GMC at village level.
  • gender participation from right day one & high technical input at every level 
  • more field level activities and less official meetings
  • regular monitoring by people themselves topped with technical team. 
  • equal respect and responsibility between FAO & Partner CSO. for more details check APFAMGS in land & water division of www.fao.org 

challenges : 

  • CSO need technical backup through vigorous trainings to update their staff. 
  • exposure to best sustainable examples rather magnified or hyped examples 
  • any model which sustained for more than 5 to 7 years both economically and ecologically should be studied well and generate learning materials based on their experience. 

www.ddsindia.com , 

thank you