全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Firstly, need clarity as to what is a relevant CSO, who is involved, under what auspices, who funds the organisation, who they represent, leadership structure and how they deal with vested and conflicts of interest.

Secondly, how does the CSO represent its members, how do they ensure the views expressed in consultation with FAO, reflect members views.

Thirdly, funding. How do small community organisations fund their activities. If only bigger, industry funded organisations are represented how does FAO ensure balance and proper community perspective and representation. Industry funding, with conflicts of interest, will likely bias the representation of o unity views to be more sympathetic toward inaction that allows vested interests to dominate. Simply completing COI forms may not be enough to avoid this bias. Ideally, a separate, blind fund should be available to ensure small but representative groups are able to contribute and ensure small holder/community groups are heard and solutions offered reflect their views and the impact policy will have on them.

Fourth, FAO needs to be more open and inclusive. People and small groups need to believe FAO represents and listens to them, and not just to big food/industry dominated organisations. Umbrella organisations like SUN, with conflicted interests and perspectives should not be allowed to dominate the conversation. Difficult, but FAO truly needs to be able to listen to small holder farmers to ensure climate challenges address their concerns and brings them along with actions that protect their livelihoods.

Fifth, national and local representation at meetings.