全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Thank you, the moderator, for allowing me to express my ideas here. You may note that biodegradable plastic for agricultural purposes is absent in Indian markets and quite unaffordable for poor Indian farmers. However, you may note that the overuse of PVC 'grow bags' has become broader in Indian villages, especially in Kerala, because a free supply of grow bags has become a common practice of local governments and the agricultural department of the state government.

Moreover, in many farms, plastic soil cover is used. Additionally, municipal waste recycling as compost in many places contains plastic material. The companies find it difficult to remove plastic waste from garbage, which they grind and mix with the biowaste. Therefore, the soil and agricultural fields receive vast amounts of plastic waste, directly or indirectly, which must be controlled and removed.

Therefore, we need to educate farmers to avoid plastics in farm fields seriously. Otherwise, it may affect food production and food quality.