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How can the hidden costs and benefits of agrifood systems be effectively incorporated into decision-making for transformation?

Effectively incorporating the hidden costs and benefits of agrifood systems into decision-making for transformation requires acknowledging both tangible and intangible factors. Known elements include visible economic expenses, such as production and transportation costs, which can be readily quantified. However, the challenge lies in capturing the hidden costs, such as environmental degradation and health impacts, which often elude standard accounting methods. Recognizing these hidden impacts necessitates a shift towards holistic valuation frameworks that consider ecological, social, and health dimensions. What remains unknown is a universally accepted methodology for quantifying and valuing these hidden dimensions consistently. The lack of standardized metrics hinders the seamless integration of these factors into decision-making processes. Developing comprehensive and standardized approaches to assess both the costs and benefits, along with fostering a broader understanding of their interconnectedness, is essential for steering agrifood systems towards sustainability and resilience.

Hence, incorporating hidden costs and benefits of agrifood systems requires holistic valuation, considering environmental and societal impacts. Standardized metrics are crucial for consistent assessment, fostering informed decision-making for sustainable transformation.