全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

A key component in supporting a sustainable agri-food transformation is data. It is essential to provide tools that can help different stakeholders identify their impacts and align their practices to optimise their food-related sustainability goals, such as ensuring food security and reducing food waste. While there remain challenges around establishing accurate, up-to-date and comparable data at the global scale, there are also challenges at the national and sub-national scales. This data gap means decisions about food system transformation are often taken in the absence of evidence.

With this in mind, our research group in Trinity College Dublin has developed SHARING SOLUTIONS, an online platform created to facilitate the understanding of sustainability impacts for initiatives that often fall under the radar of governing authorities – such as community gardens, co-ops, community kitchens, surplus food redistribution initiatives.

Among various offering, SHARING SOLUTIONS provides a sustainability impact assessment tool for Food Sharing Initiatives (FSIs), to help these initiatives highlight their impact against key ESG targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

This type of report facilitates FSIs to better communicate their results with multiple stakeholders such as citizens, local authorities or investors, by ensuring FSIs have the tools to efficiently articulate their impacts. Importantly, SHARING SOLUTIONS offers municipalities the opportunity to gain a landscape level view of sustainability impacts from these activities for the first time and in a comparable manner.

SHARING SOLUTIONS is currently rolling out their impact assessment (and consultancy services) across the EU, working closely with the Innovation Act European project CULTIVATE. Early results and impact will be published shortly. 
