全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Achini De Silva

Sabaragamuwa University
Sri Lanka

Fish  and seafood value chains runs across the regions and involved in different actors who belongs to both developed and developing nations. Developments of ICT will bridge the gap between fish producers and consumers enabling through faster connection and communication.

Fish Informatics Platform will cater for the demands of social, economical and environmental components where scientists from developed and developing countries can collaborate to address real problems of food security and sustainability of fisheries. Further, advances of ICT will lead to connect both developed and developing country stakeholders of fish and seafood value chains, availability of open-source applications which are both cheap and amenable to innovative local adaptation and emergence of global ICT services which lower the information barriers.

Fish Informatics platform allows to share the scientifc information necessary to address the sustaionability issues of fisheries and aquaculture. Fish informatics Platform will connect value chain participants to share innovative startegies to empower the fish producers to make better prodcution and marketing decisions.