全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Zafar Lund

Hirrak development center

Issue of water and food security

Issues of water are following: 

1. sweet water sources be made pollution free and sustainable for drinking and agriculture purpose.

2 equal use of agriculture water for poors and influential people.

3. new and cheep methods to be explored for making sweet to underground brackish water.


1. All sweet water sources such as rivers and wetlands to be made pollution free by prohibiting use of poisons for catching fish.

2. no cash crops to be grown along 1 km area of the rivers and wetlands where chemicals and insecticides are being used and in this area jungles and trees to be promoted and it to be declared for food crops or as livestock area.

3. such food crops to be promoted that are eco-friendly and takes less water and is also economical for farmers such as wheat from local or natural seeds that can also be cut as grass for 2-3 times for  animals before riping it