全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Fangquan Mei

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Suggestion for supplement of Support of ICT technology apply for the improvement of SADL

To support Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition, including the Role of Livestock, our aim is to research and apply the novel ICT technology into agricultural product/food safety management, control and trace-ability and reflect the technological responses for different dimensions of sustainable agricultural development.      

Prof. Chunjiang Zhao, the Director and Chief Scientist of National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture(NERCITA) China is leading one of the largest and the most influential research institutes on information technology for agriculture in the world. They Put forward a series of research resultsPut forward a series of research results and has a certain reference value to strengthen for SADL:

For social challenges: Develop science and technology popularization video, canton and programs, to provide and disseminate science-based evidence on novel technologies for SADL.

For economic challenges: Establish the cold chain environment monitoring equipment fitting the different conditions; Build on a comprehensive model for predicting shelf-life of fresh agricultural products; Develop cold chain environment controlling system based on the environment-mass-energy balance with CFD method; Study on energy consumption evaluation for different control modes of cold chain logistics. We hope to reduce food losses and waste through above ways.

For environmental challenges: Use Big data, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, etc. in pest early warning with application in climate-smart and precision agriculture, combing different disciplines, such as agronomy, ICT, meteorology, phenotyping and biology, which will provide bases for predicting and control pest outbreaks.

For health and animal welfare challenges: Based on the animal behavior studies and internet of things, we plan to improve monitoring and control system for animal diseases for rapid detection at early stages. Then we develop a holistic health breeding system for implementing good practice for animal care and a whole supply chain trace-ability system with RFID and novel barcodes to provide better food information/labelling for consumers. At the consumption terminal, we will design and implement a healthy diet recommend system interconnecting with smart household electrical appliances and precision logistics for agricultural products and food.

Related Reference

1.        Chunjiang Zhao, Precision Agriculture Research and Practice, Beijing: Science Press, 2009.

2.         Li M, Qian J P, Yang X T, et al. A PDA-based record-keeping and decision-support system for traceability in cucumber production[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2010, (70):69-77.

3.        Chun-Jiang Zhao*, Ming Li, Xin-Ting Yang, Chuan-Heng Sun, Jian-Ping Qian, Zeng-Tao Ji, A data-driven model simulating primary infection probabilities of cucumber downy mildew for use in early warning systems in solar greenhouses, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2011,76(2):306-315