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Patti Rundall

United Kingdom
Dear HLPE organisers.
IBFAN would very much like to send comments on the Zero Draft and we also have suggestions for case studies.   However we have not been able to finish our comment today. It would be very helpful if we could have a little more time. If this is not possible I would just make the following brief observations.
This Zero draft  covers an impressive range of actions and topics however there are important omissions that lead to several questionable conclusions.   The sections on Public Private Partnerships and Conflicts of Interest are missing or lightly touched on. These are cross-cutting issues that will inevitably affect the  recommendations.  I hope these will be addressed fully in Version 1. 
On the one hand the report seems to promote fortification and technological approaches, on the other hand it promotes breastfeeding (the perfect food system), bio-diverse, minimally processed, locally sourced foods. 
The report should acknowledge the need for truly independent monitoring/evaluation, regular oversight by national authorities  - especially of the novel technologies.
The case study section should include examples of IBFAN, WHO and UNICEF’s work over four decades to  protect child health through legislation that incorporates the International Code of Marketing and Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly Resolutions.  These Resolutions protect the right of mothers to make infant and young child feeding decisions free from commercial pressures.