全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Philippe Crahay


Dear Madam, dear Sir,

I would like to share a couple of comments on the v0 draft of the report “Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition”, if still possible, on behalf of the “Asset creation & livelihoods” team (OSZPR) in WFP Rome:

1. Deforestation and other forms of land degradation represent key sources of social tensions, competition and conflict, particularly in rural areas largely dependent on scarce natural resources, but also in in displacement settings - such as around refugee/IDP camps. The report could emphasize this issue further, along with potential required responses. As an example, WFP and partners’ SAFE programme adopts a multi-faceted approach to meet the energy needs of displaced people worldwide through sustainable energy-related activities, protecting both people and the environment; more information is available at: www.wfp.org/climate-change/initiatives/safe.

2. Landscape-based approaches and integrated watershed management are key to tackle deforestation and land degradation; this applies with force to drylands, where there are important connections between land restoration, water management and food security; the “forest/land – water – food security nexus” could be further highlighted by this report.

3. Deforestation and other forms of land degradation calls for integrated, partnered efforts to match the scale of the problems that are affecting communities and countries. The required scale can be achieved through ambitious asset creation and livelihood support, productive safety nets, environmental restoration and other complementary programmes - developed in close consultation and collaboration with affected communities, technical services and Governments.

4. As a successful example, WFP’s MERET programme has concentrated on integrated watershed management in Ethiopia for several years. Over this period, it has accrued extensive knowledge on how to implement sustainable land management activities using participatory, community-based approaches and these have laid the foundation for many of the Government flagship programmes. See: www.wfp.org/node/14481.

Thanks, and best regards,


Philippe Crahay