全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition aims to provide evidence-based guidance to decision-makers, particularly those working within country governments, in order to inform and help generate nutrition-enhancing agricultural and food policy, with an emphasis on tackling nutritional challenges in low and middle income countries. Towards this end, the Global Panel is producing a series of policy briefs summarizing evidence and recommendations for policy makers on effective interventions in agricutlure and food systems for nutrition.

In early Autumn 2015, the Panel will launch the brief "Healthy Meals in Schools: Policy Innovations Linking Agriculture, Food Systems and Nutrition".  While most countries in the world support school meals, relatively a few have yet adopted the kind of multi-sectoral design that allows for gains in several domains across the food system simultaneously. There is a growing recognition of the potential for schools to provide healthy meals while promoting demand for local agricultural produce, as well as supporting more efficient local food procurement and delivery systems. The Global Panel brief explains why a greater policy emphasis is needed on this kind of multi‐win agenda that couples meals in schools with benefits to agriculture, education and nutrition. The brief will highlight evidence of successful interventions in a range of policy areas in order to illustrate what is technically feasible and economically viable, and will conclude with  recommendations for policy makers.


Professor Sandy Thomas


Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition