Dear ICN Moderator,
Please consider me as one of your correspondents. What are you doing is marvelous and great. I wish you good success for the preparation of ICN 2.
I would like to make the following comments:
1- It is surprising that in all the background papers I read, there was not a single one belonging to the Middle East and North Africa, as if there are no problems of nutrition in these countries. This is not the case as you agree with me.
2- Just to illustrate my point, I would like to send you a paper which I am going to present to the Workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon, in cooperation with the Forum Fancophone des Affaires (FFA), in Beirut, 10 August 2013. The title of the paper is:" Challenges of Food Security in Lebanon". I trust that this paper will shed some lights on food security and nutrition problems in my country and many Arab countries.
Best regards
Adel Cortas
Adel Cortas