全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Please accept the contribution below from Cesarie Kantarama, a woman farmer from Rwanda and part of the Eastern Africa Farmers' Federation

Women play a huge role in rural and urban economies. The majority of them are the rural women that their participation in sustainable development is significant. So, investing in rural women is one of the solutions for promoting food security, fighting against poverty and promoting well being. As a contribution of this topic some points are proposed:

  • Promoting  education of girls and women
  • Promotion  of  equal opportunity of management to resources, assets and land tenure rights
  • Promotion  of  participation in private sector
  • Promoting the  rural entrepreneurship
  • Empowering  women’s collective activities
  • Prevent violence against  women
  • Training  on agriculture techniques and environment protection
  • Training on marketing
  • Promotion of   smalls rural  processing unit
  • Access to credit and saving
  • Improving  women participation  in value chain system
  • Infrastructure to impact positively the work of rural females (transport , safe water,day nursery ……)
  • Rural women international day shall be valorized  by all level .