全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Renat Perelet

Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Dear Collegues,

I hasten to sketch out some quick remarks and suggestions that might be useful for you. Here are some of them. I would be prepared to discuss them and some others later if your time permits:

p.2, line 2 to add: Communities, consumers, indigenous, and food insecure people.

p.4. Principle 2, Rationale, last para to add: Well-defined and duly enforced rights with easements to get access to food resources can encourage...

In the section ‘ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES AND CLIMATE CHANGE’,  an attitude towards GM food produce should be clearly spelled out.

p.6.  add to the section “States are encouraged to” the following: - pursue a policy of green procurement, requiring, as a minimum, participation in agricultural tenders companies having ISO 14001 certificates.  It is possible that a similar statement could appear in the section beginning with “Investors are encouraged to:”

p.7   The section “Research and educational institutions are encouraged to:

· place sustainable development of agriculture and food systems, including sustainable production

and processing of nutritious food and nutrition-sensitive agriculture and exploring replacement of traditional edible species with adequately nutritional other ones.

In addition, one more principle should be added that would stress a need in international cooperation and mutual enrichment: from bilateral one with neighbouring countries to sub-regional, regional and global one. Here, such areas as international food footprints, virtual water exchanges (imports and exports) could be embarked upon, as well as debt-for-nature swops, burgeoning farm outsourcing activity, cash crops in the developing countries. 

Environmentally yours,

Dr Renat Perelet

Research Leader, Institute for Systems Analysis,

Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow