全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Ralph Kurtzman

I find the title, particularly the word "Care," confusing. The old CARE relief organization has been transformed into a very ineffective women's teach-for-self-help organization. I am very much in favor of the proclaimed idea, but CARE thinks sending Hollywood types around to African villages is more useful than finishing projects that have taught organization and agricultural skills to women. I worked as a volunteer professional for them in Egypt - they had a great paid staff. The staff supported oranizations run by local women, in many Upper Egypt farm villages. The women were beginning to learn to do things that would provide more food and income for their families. A report was written telling of their outstanding progress. However, before training could be completed, they fired all of the staff who had built their program. If this is the sort of "Care you mean, it is time to cut the waste and misery. Don't lead women (or men) to the starting line, then pull everything away from them.

Word are of no value, if the action does not adequately support the proclaimed goal.