全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear Forum Members, Moderators and the global stakeholders.

Let us express our appreciation that the forum is opening this discussion in times the globe is more immersed in its complex and compound crises. 


The drivers for the protracted crises could not be merely attributed to nature; often in not always the Man is stimulator in this regard.  The recurrent natural and man-stimulated or man-made crises and disasters tied to issues of inappropriate governance, unsustainable livelihood management and mismanaged food and nutrition pools. The natural disasters in today’s consideration tied to the climate change which has global drivers, causes, dimensions which are aggravated by localized similar. Unsustainable natural resources management and irresponsible investment lie at the core of prolongation of the protracted crises and disasters, especially in the African content. 


There should be avoidance of the Business as usual (BAU) and fit-all-size in designing catalyst which support the coping mechanism and recovery modalities. accurate crises and disaster mapping should be continuously updated and repeatedly reported to stimulated genuine political will to address underlying causes and challenges which can alleviate the sufferings of the vulnerable in that mapped territories. In the action plan, there should be clear designation on who should do what and how to enact the designated strategies and implementable plans.


It is good that the CFS is paying due attention and special attention and address to this vital issue afflicting millions. However, in its drafting the CFS-A4A to advice governments, it should know that some governments are intentionally excluding communities from the real participation in setting the adequate policies, that is due to controversial interest and conflicting orientation between local communities and governments operating in environments of resource grabbing, and that is evident in territories where these resource grabbing are taking places and where dirty investments are heading. Often, most of the actors operating in crises-brone territories or countries lack transparency and operate under weak accountability settings. Governments has their representative to the international institutions, but communities are not, especially if they are in conflict with their oppressive governments.


The principles mentioned in the zero draft are excellent, but that should be shared and explained to local crises-affected peoples and vulnerable, in simply and understandable languages and through effective multiple communications tools and mechanism and not to limit the participation only to a bunch of elites who monopolize power and stimulate the social exclusion.


The accumulated knowledge base, literature are rich, but the reality or field malpractices challenge that inherited knowledge and experiences, therefore, more practical and collective action is badly needed to demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness and above all bring back trust in the institutional arrangements and knowledge holders and hope for the vulnerable who are suffering in that crises-affected environment.