全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I support the comments by Javier Fernandez -re financial sustainability of the inventory program especially if long term monitoring is to be involved and Christian Laurent's suggestion for more series of charts. 

One way to obtain financial sustainability is to have the requirement for period assessments of the nation's forest resources is to have it built into the laws.  The US has (at least I assume it still has) the 1974 Renewable Resources Planning act which required an periodic assessment (10 years) of the Nation's Forest and Range resources (see http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/fia/topics/rpa/).  Since it is essentially a law, the government has to fund. Given a nation's international obligations these day, UNFCCC, COB, FRA, etc. I suspect there is plenty of justification for sustainable funding of a country's forest resources.

I also suggest the incorporation of photos of various aspects of carrying out the monitoring... something to break up the text and to make the document more eye-appealing and interesting.