全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear all,

here are some of the resilience platforms I consult for my work and research:

  1. Web Page on Resilience by Rockefeller Foundation: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/topics/resilience/ [focused on cities, but with interesting insights]
  2. Linkedin community of practice on Resilience by PopTech: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5074090 [user-led, 380 members]
  3. Farmerfirst platform http://www.farmingfirst.org/resilience [unfortunately it is not being updated since 1.5 years]
  4. World Bank supported Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) https://www.gfdrr.org/opendri

I think it is often missing a link to the tools, methodologies/approaches that are already available and (may be) linked with resilience issues. I refer not only to products developed from governmental organizations or academia, but also to the many community-driven projects that may be mobilized towards resilience building (e.g. the Missing maps project, an Open Street Maps project to develop accurate maps  of poor disaster-prone areas of our planet http://www.missingmaps.org/).

In terms of information and knowledge, it seems to me that there is a general lack of references to move beyond the general concept of resilience as a 'recovery from crises' only. I would expect further information on the way we could build redundancy into a society, since that is key to how a given community or city responds to disaster (for example providing resources to better link the agrifood and 'neighboring' system, as energy and transport).

Broadly speaking, I think that cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender, nutrition) are not adequately addressed. For this reason engaging established (online) community of practices may help in conceptualizing the way such issues can contribute to resilience building as well as in providing concrete means for their integration into resilience initiatives.

Finally, I think another missing link is that of the last mile. How can we transfer the knowledge from a web portal to the stakeholdes serving a community in need (and to the community itself)? How can we share complex concepts with them without these concepts/information being misunderstood? Leveraging multiple communication channels and building on existing networks could help disseminating knowledge, as well as engaging the communities in sharing their knowledge. I think it is very important to keep this in mind before/while designing the platform, instead of considering it as a separate issue - otherwise there may be bottlenecks for sharing and capturing knowledge outside of it dynamically.