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· Does the zero draft sufficiently outline a way to achieve sustainable soil management worldwide?

This document is a very good start point for this so important document at global level like this. The idea of gather in a brief way the key factors for a sustainable soil management is necessary.

I would suggest that it could be good to point out what are the ten major threats so soil functioning or enumerate them at least. Also the five Pillars of Action of the Global Soil Partnership should be indicated. It is important to take into account that this document will be read by people that are not familiar with the GSP. One option for not to be very extensive in this document is to put all of this information in annex, appendix or glossary, as decided.

· Have all the key technical elements to achieve sustainable soil management been included in the guidelines?

I think it is necessary to include or to point out a couple of concepts:

a)Soil Quality (It is not mentioned at all).

b) Porosity of the soil related with air flux into the soil. Balanced soil porosity lead to a good structure and an adequate flux of air for permitting a good state for microorganisms life besides the water status on soil.

c) Building up Soil Organic Matter into the soil.  The major reference in the text related with it is focused on organic cover, but less emphasis has been given in the importance for increasing the carbon pool into the soils.

On the other hand, the soil governance concept deserve to be explained more. In this type of document is better to be clear in some key concepts and to avoid the misunderstandings.

Furthermore, the soil conservation structures (engineering point of view) are not mentioned clearly. I think those are still very important soil management practices in areas with high steps and high risk of erosion.

· Do the guidelines take into account the great variety of ecosystem services provided by soils?

In a broad sense it does.  

· Will the results of the guidelines, once implemented be sufficient enough to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

I think it is necessary to think in other collateral strategies simultaneously beyond its achievement. There is no doubt there are many additional aspects that should be taken into account besides the VSSM. For instance…how the VSSM reach people in general and different social strata?, Who will be in charge of deliver the VSSM? What will be the processes involved in this delivery?....

·Do the guidelines identify activities that should be avoided to achieve multiple benefits through sustainable soil management?

This subject is not clear as others mentioned in the document. Could be good idea to put more emphasis in what are the “bad practices” that should be avoided.