全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I think in relation to the obesity issues that the people concerned or the target people generally should be included in food program. So what are the causes of the overweight and obesity? And what the possible solution to this problem all over the world?

In the countries where the food is always available to the people, the consumption per person doesn't follow any rule it is in the most cases random choice this is the human rule ie that the human doesn't follow the calories low to define the food habitat.

The main cause of the obesity is the availability of the food and the worse way in using food choices so the estimation of nutritional requierement is baised.The absence of activities like sport and other way to burn the extra of calories led to the overweight with time.

Practicing sport, defining a right food regime adjusted to the personal requirement led to reduce the effect of the obesity.

At the end, in the last years, it was appeared a new discipline that is called nutrigenomics, this new science treat the ways to find the possible metabolic and genetics causes and solution to the obesity.