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Let us use our common sense and review what has changed?

Living material, that needs to grow and develop in their own time whilst being fed through a rich, nutritious and healthy soil, producing nutritious healthy plants, in their turn feeding healthy animals, is being manipulated to grow faster and cheaper by ‘modern’ agricultural mass production and processed by the food industry:

  1. The mass meat production industry uses (chemical) hormones,  preventive chemical medication and the animals are fed a very poor diet with concentrates and GMO’s.
  2. Meat has become cheaper, resulting in a higher meat consumption. The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. That is not even 70 grams per day for a human being of 85 kg.
  3. The mass vegetable production industry uses endocrine disrupting pesticides, fertilizers and preventive chemical medicines on the worn out soil, resulting in less nutritious and ‘weak’ vegetables.
  4. The food industry manipulates taste buds with engineered 'salt sugar fat-ratio's, making people addicted to their produce. Who can eat just one cookie?
  5. Grains, especially wheat, are  being cultivated to increase the gluten content
  6. Bread is not just baked with grains, extra gluten are being added to make it tastier
  7. Gluten are being used in almost every processed food. More and more people are having allergic reactions to gluten.
  8. Cows are manipulated into producing more A1 casein instead of the natural A2 casein. This is already also occurring in goats milk. A1 casein can create a bioactive opioid peptide and morphine-related compound called beta casomorphin-7 (BCM7).
  9. All these processed and addictive products are being prepacked in Endocrine Disrupting Plastic packaging and coated cans and boxes (Bisphenol A). BPA leaks into oils and oily substances very easily. It also leaks into drinking water, when a plastic water bottle warms up. Most PET bottles are filled of while they are still warm.

The continuous intake of low amounts of antibiotics, which kill vital gut bacteria, the intake of too much addictive fast carbohydrates and sugars, which feed the harmful yeast and moulds in the gut, result in a poor metabolism and a putrid intestinal flora.
Yeasts and moulds, as well as allergic reactions to processed proteins (such as gluten and A1 casein), produce opioid-like substances, which leak through the mucosa, into the blood and flood into the brain. The opioid substances are also addictive.
Today’s western consumer is being overeating all this fast grown, less nutritious, addictive and gut bacteria destroying processed comfort/fast food, which is not being produced or marketed to feed the world, but to make humongous profits which only benefits the almighty ‘one percent’. Follow the money!


This addictive circle with hormonal dis-balances, emotional dis-balances, a foggy brain, a lazy couch and television -loving body (on which the processed foods are constantly promoted), is in my opinion the main cause for overweight and obesity (whilst obese people also becoming more and more underfed!), and it even leads to a more dumb, bored and very dissatisfied society.

The solution was already published in 2013: http://unctad.org/en/pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=666 : Wake up before it is too late: Make agriculture truly sustainable now for food security in a changing climate.
Google around, I did..
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160519130105.htm : Antibiotics that kill gut bacteria also stop growth of new brain cells
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2235907/ : Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2714381/  : Sugar and Fat Bingeing Have Notable Differences in Addictive-like Behavior
http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/02/26/172969363/how-the-food-industry-manipulates-taste-buds-with-salt-sugar-fat : How The Food Industry Manipulates Taste Buds With 'Salt Sugar Fat'
http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-much-meat-safe-eat : How much meat is safe to eat?
http://www.unep.org/pdf/WHO_HSE_PHE_IHE_2013.1_eng.pdf : World Health Organization: State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012