全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

One question that is not addressed in this forum is the nexus between soil health, production practices, crops/animal health, and human health (that includes overweight/obesity). Unless soil health is maintained, producing healthy and nutritious food from crops and animals is impossible. Promotion of conservation agricultural practices (minimum tillage, soil mulch/cover crops, and diversification of farming) is the first step in regenerating degraded landscapes and soils and in maintaining soil health in other areas for producing healthy and nutritious foods for the local, national and international markets. Another aspect is the integrated pest management (IPM) to minimize or avoid pesticide residues in foods that we consume. Production of pesticide-free foods must be our goal if we were to protect human health. A third aspect is the proper management of postharvest processing, storage and distribution/retailing. These activities must be managed to reduce wastages, prevent contamination from food-borne patogens and insect pests, and use of air-tight packaging that minimizes deterioration food quality over time.

One chapter must be allocated to discuss this linkage among soil health, production practices, crops/animal health, and human health.