全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I have developed and supported the use of Mobile Garden Carts (MGC) projects as we have lived in various nations and climates around the globe. These Mobile Garden Carts can be constructed wholly of recycled/reclaimed materials, or of new-use materials (and portions of proceeds used to help provide MGCs to in-need (landless, homeless, refugee, other) populations, consisting of wheeled platform(s) and pipe/vertical elevations used to support additional container-plantings, water supplies, optional composting, small-animal (rabbit/fowl) housing, seed propagation and/or drying racks, and protective netting/sheeting (plastic 'greenhousing'). 

When MGC gardeners are not allergic to bees, or in risk-prone areas, however, in addition to, or instead of small animal/fowl housing, these carts can be outfitted with small apiaries, much like those used at field edging or on rooftop gardens, to hive bees within the Mobile Garden Cart system itself. 

Mobile Garden Cart plantings can always include pollinator-friendly fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers. However, when food-supply is less a priority than pollinator protection, MGCs can be planted entirely with pollinator-friendly herbs, flowers, and other plants. In mega-city, refugee-city and other densely-inhabited zones where bee, butterfly, and pollinating insect/bird populations have been threatened or all-but-obliterated, these carts can encourage a resurgence in pollinator numbers, as well as providing marketable herbs, flowers, and potentially sustainable quanties of honey. 

Such MGCs can also promote citizen interaction, education, inclusion, rehabilitation and recuperation--especially if climate-stable hives with clear acrylic sides are possible (allowing viewing/increased understanding of the industry of the bees). MGCs can be designed to fit doorways/elevators and move from living space to sidewalk, roadside to rooftop, refugee-settlements, homeless shelters, parks, museums, evacuation shelters and civic centers, and be located inside dwelling spaces, airport terminals, shopping centers, sports stadiums, hospital 'open zones,' special needs and age-differentiated centers, or anywhere else plants can conceivably be included, and awareness of the irreplaceable contributions of bees/pollinators to our life systems raised. 

Here is a link to one example of Mobile Garden Cart inclusion, in Barcelona, Spain, 2010. The specific project is no longer in operation, but Global Giving foundation provides links to many ongoing projects.