全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

The knowledge of the importance of pollinators is within the food producers although we know that the food producers do not always pay attention to these pollinators all the time.

We just think that the bees are the only pollinators forgetting all kinds of butterflies and insects which contribute  quite a lot to our plants.

First and foremost there is need to document the disappearance of pollinators and their importance. Campaign against use of chemicals and less use of pesticides is also important and campaign against use of GMOs and use of agro-toxics. It is very important to encourage the growing of natural trees which flowers and not dangerous. Growing crops such as sunflowers, watermelons, pumpkins and pulses are of added value to attract these pollinators.

We also know that water harvesting is needed as these pollinators also need water.
