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Hello and Greetings from India.

This is really a thought provoking discussion. I am a development and Disaster Risk Reduction practitioner. I mostly work with rural communities and grassroots NGOs here. Most of my thoughts are based on my experience of interacting with community members.

Well, the first thought is "Resilience is a process, where by persons attain ability to cope or adapt with the stresses induced by the changing natural, social, political, cultural and economic  environment." In this regard we can identify key qualities of resilience in short term, however we can not cosider this as complete resilience. 

Since the stresses and shocks are combined outcome of natural and human made systems nature of resilience also becomes complex and in my perception it is very difficult to identify a framework providing comprehensive indicators for Resilience as outcome, may it be short term or long term. However it is possible to identify or design a comprehensive framework providing process oriented indicators for measuring state of resilience. One needs to understand that nature personal and community based resilience  will differ from communities to communities it is also essential to look in to diversity and should come up with a broad process oriented indicators which can be adapted as per the context.